BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230620 SUMMARY:Briging Theory and Practice Webinar DESCRIPTION:   Join our upcoming webinar on:    *Bridging Theory and Practice: Linking SEL and active learning with educational theories in Higher Education*   Tuesday, June 20, 2023    Tehran Local Time 13_15 (GMT+3:30)   You'll gain insights into practical strategies for implementing SEL and active learning in your teaching practices to enhance student engagement and academic success   Meeting Link:   *Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experienced educators* DTSTAMP:20250306 UID:67c990df9ffcb END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230718 SUMMARY:Empowering Medical Research Writing: Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT and AI tools DESCRIPTION: Join our upcoming webinar on:    *Empowering Medical Research Writing: Unlocking the Potential of Chat GPT and AI tools*   Tuesday, July 18, 2023    Tehran Local Time 13_15 (GMT+3:30)   You'll gain valuable insights into the latest advancements in the field of medical education research writing, and how you can leverage the power of AI tools to enhance your writing productivity and effectiveness.   Meeting Link:   *Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experienced educators* During the webinar, you will learn about the latest developments in AI-powered research writing, as well as the potential benefits of using Chat GPT and other AI tools to improve your writing skills. Our expert speakers will share their experiences and insights on how AI tools can help you streamline your research writing process, enhance your writing quality, and ultimately accelerate your research outcomes.   DTSTAMP:20250306 UID:67c990dfa010f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR