Mohammad H. Ayati


Name: Mohammad H. Ayati

Title: Associate Professor

Country: Iran



  • Department of Traditional Medicine, School of Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Department of History of Medicine, School of Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Department of Tele-Health, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Guest Professor; Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM), Beijing, China

Official Position

  • Vice-Chancellor for International Affairs, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Dean of the International Campus, TUMS
  • - Memberships;
  • Iranian National Scientific Board of Traditional Medicine & History of Medicine
  • Medical Commission, Iranian National Legal Medicine Organization
  • Member of Scientific Department, China – Iran Friendship Association
  • Vice-Chairman, Specialty Committee of Sub-health, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)
  • Member of Iranian National Medical Council


Mohammad Hossein Ayati, born in 1976, passed high school in National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents and placed 86th among 400,000 participants of “National Medical Entrance Exam” in 1994. He obtained his medical degree (7-years MD) in 2001 from Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, and then served his public service as a GP. In 2005, he won a full scholarship from Iran’s MOH for a Clinical PhD on Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. He graduated as one of Top Ten BUCM graduates in 2010. Since 2011, he is serving as an Assistant Professor, and then since 2020 as an Associate Professor in School of Traditional Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in two departments; Department of Traditional Medicine & Department of History of Medicine. He is active in research and teaching, runs an acupuncture clinic, and tutors postgraduate students. He published more than 90 papers, among which some are highly cited, and his scientific works can be accessed in Scopus and ORCID.

  • He is currently the Vice-Chancellor for International Affairs of TUMS.