Azadeh Shadmehr


NameAzadeh Shadmehr

Title: Professor

Country: Iran


Affiliation: Department of Physiotherapy, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical University

Official Position

  • General Secretary of the International University Council at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.


Dr. Azadeh Shadmehr is a Professor of Physiotherapy at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. She obtained his undergraduate (1989) and MSc (1992) degrees in Physiotherapy from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and  received her PhD in Physiotherapy from Tarbiat Modares University in 2004. She was appointed to the Department of Physiotherapy at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1992 as a faculty member and she was promoted to Full Professor in 2014.

Her field of interests are Tissue Mechanics and Manual therapy techniques and published two books about manual therapy techniques. Areas of teaching include spinal biomechanics, tissue mechanics, neurodynamics, thrust and non thrust manipulation at the graduate and undergraduate levels. She has also organized many workshops in manual therapy practice in Iran  and other countries.

Dr. Shadmehr has served in various academic administrative (School Deputy for research, School Deputy for International Affairs) and faculty positions for over 30 years and now she is General Secretary of the International University Council at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

She conducted different research projects with international collaboration and is corresponding author of more than 100 scholarly articles as well as national and US patents. The main focus of her research is investigating the therapeutic effects of physiotherapy techniques (such as joint mobilization, kinesio taping, therapeutic exercise or dry needling) and biomechanical evidence regarding tissue mechanical behavior and neurocognition changes in musculoskeletal disorders.

For this purpose, she uses accurate assessment methods such as elastosonography, motion analysis and reaction time tests.