Arman Zargaran


Name: Dr. Arman Zargaran

Title: Assistant Professor

Country: Iran


Affiliation: Department of Traditional Pharmacy, School of Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Official Position

  • Vice for International affairs, Office of Persian and Complementary Medicine, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Iran
  • Director of International Affairs Development, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Head, Department of History of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Member, International Academy of History of Pharmacy
  • President, Iranian Society for the History of Pharmacy


Arman Zargaran was born in 1985 in Tehran (Iran). He has studied pharmacy (PharmD) and PhD of traditional pharmacy (phytopharmaceuticals) in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and graduated 2010 and 2015, respectively. He is assistant professor of traditional pharmacy (since 2016), head of department of history of medicine (since 2023) and director of international affairs development (since 2021) at Tehran University of Medical Sciences. He is also vice for international affairs in the office of Persian and complementary medicine at Iranian ministry of health and medical education. He is member of International Academy of History of Pharmacy and WHO-international regulatory cooperation for herbal medicines (IRCH) network. His research interest is formulation and standardization of natural and traditional products, Persian medicine, ethnopharmacology and history of medicine. He has more than 200 papers in the reputed peer reviewed international journals (has h-index 22 in Scopus). Elsevier introduced him as 2% top scientists of the world. He has more than 50 speeches in international congresses and events all around the world and awarded many national and international awards during his scientific period of life. Arman Zargaran has contributed to the scientific journals as editor, editorial board and reviewer. . He is editor in chief of the “Journal of Research on History of Medicine”, deputy editor of “Journal of Iranian and Islamic Traditional Medicine”, associate editor of “Frontiers in Pharmacology”, “Galen Medical Journal”, and “Traditional and Integrative Medicine” and editorial board member and reviewer of more than 60 reputed journals.