Message of President of the Conference


Message of President of the Conference

Manipulative therapy has known a parallel development throughout many parts of the world. Many different styles of manual therapies are popular around the globe, and manipulative therapy is a fundamental feature of almost all disciplines of alternative medicine, like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Persian Medicine, Unani Medicine, Thai Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, etc.

Mainstream medical practitioners are also widely using physical therapies as well. So, not only hands-on bodywork is a feature of therapeutic interactions in traditional cultures around the world, but also the modern medicine has widely integrated manipulative therapies in its routine practices, and nowadays we see lots of research works in this area, and there are even guideline recommendations.

The challenge is; whether we need to go toward the “modernization of manipulative therapy”, the way that our dear physiotherapist colleagues are mostly pursuing, or, we need to keep the “philosophy”, the “ancient knowledge”, and the “experience”. The answer might be the middle way! Modern medicine needs to add the “philosophy” flavor and acknowledge the roll of experience, and the systems of alternative medicine should apply evidence-based medicine (EBM) policies as much as possible.

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), as the leading scientific body in the field of medical sciences in Iran and the region, is also the pioneer of stablishing the School of Traditional Medicine and is comprehensively investing on education and research on this field.

I am delighted to announce that TUMS is holding the “1st International Conference and Workshop on Manual Therapy in Traditional Medicine”, where we are hosting several outstanding scholars from China, India, Thailand, Germany, Iran, etc.

I cordially invite you all to set your schedule and take part in this special event, to contribute in elevating the scientific level of the conference, and to taste the Iranian hospitality. I hope very much that this international dialogue would make an instructive platform.


Mohammad H. Ayati, M.D., Ph.D., L.Ac.

Physician & Associate Professor:

Department of Traditional Medicine & Department of History of Medicine, School of Traditional Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)

Guest Professor; Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM), Beijing, China

Vice-Chancellor for International Affairs, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)