Amina Ather


Name: Dr. Amina Ather

Title: Instructor

Country: India/ Germany


Affiliation: European Medical Assosiation


Doctor of Unai medicine, full time 36 months and submission of a research study thesis on clinical trial of camphor in dysmenorrhea, with department of pharmacy termed as ilmul advia in Greco Arabic medicine from national institute of unani medicine, Bangalore. Diploma and postgraduate diploma in yoga and natural medicine in 1996 and Post graduate diploma in genomics and clinical pathology and microbiology.

Experienced in phytomedicine and guiding people of all ages to self help themselves with home pharmacy with nature’s treasure, she has been conducting heath education webinars, seminars, conferences, consultations with noninvasive that is energy therapies like negative ions and nondrug therapies like phytomedicine for better quality of life for people with all ages both men and women. She has published research work and review case studies related to phytomedicine and teaches phytomedicine usage in traditional medicine along the silk route as visiting faculty. Has experience in clinical trial with phytomedicine and lab research with studies from Phyto genetics and epigenetics. Has published research articles and interactive training modules in health education and self help with home pharmacy for women empowerment in their health and quality of life with affordable and available resources.