Shariq Ali Khan


Name: Shariq Ali Khan

Title: Professor

Country: India


Affiliation: Former Dy.Director, CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH,Govt.of India.

Official Position


Prof. Dr. Shariq Ali Khan did his B.Sc.from Agra Univ., graduation in Medicine and Surgery from Univ.of Delhi and M.D. in   Medicine-Unani from Jamia Hamdard,New Delhi.He persued his studies in Bioethics and obtained PGDBE from IGNOU New Delhi. Dr Khan  received advanced training in Bioethics by ICMR-NIH through Fogarty International USA and did PG certificate in Medical Rehabilitation from AIIPMR,Mumbai.Dr. Khan has served CCRUM,Ministry of Health&FW,Govt.of India in different scientific and administrative positions for 33 years and superannuated as Deputy Director in August2017.Headed the Regional Research Institute, AMU,Aligarh.He has published 50 scientific papers/monograph/books and 150 research papers,published and presented in various National and international meets.Dr Khan has traveled and made presentations/consultations in scientific and academic meets in China,Malaysia, Srilanka,UAE,KSAand Morocco. He has also served as Professor of Medicine/Moalejat in HRUMC(MJPR University,Bareilly,Sambhal (UP)India.