Abstract submission for poster presentation

08 April 2023 | 12:52 Code : 621 News
Abstract submission for poster presentation

Abstract submission for poster presentation is open now for the conference. Each abstract should be up to 300 words (Word file, Font Times new Roman, size 12) including Title, Authors (presenter should be underlined), Affiliation of each author, email address of the presenter, body of abstract (unstructured), 3 to 5 keywords.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 20, 2023

Registration Fee (for participation and presentation): 300 USD (non- Iranians)/ 30000000 Rials (For Iranians)

Applicants should send their abstract file to the email of arman_zargaran@yahoo.com and after getting acceptance they should register via website of the conference: https://en.tums.ac.ir/mttm/en/form/70/registration-form

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