External Relations Unit and Festivals

About us

Media and external collaboration division with regard to the four year program of the academic administration and the mission and the duties defined by the medical sciences educational development center of the university, from the February of 2011 has started its activities.

The purpose of this division is to present the different activities of the educational center of the University. This division endeavors to provide the suitable grounds for collaboration of the center with the other related centers in Iran or in other countries.

reza atef yekta

Major: M.D.
Academic rank: Assistant professor
Email address:

Program and Activities

Coordinating relevant activities by turning the educational development center of the university to a center collaborating with the world health organization

  • Preparing the suitable grounds for the presence of the center in national and international arenas of the medical education such as national and international conferences
  • Developing the scientific sources of the center’s library to turn it into one of the main libraries of the country in the field of medical education
  • Activating, enriching and publishing Rouyesh periodical regularly with the purpose of improving the connection with the faculty members 
  • Improving the news distribution process for the activities of the center in the university and national level
  • Updating and enriching the website as the main way of informing others of the center’s activities
  • Launching and updating the website of the center in English
  • Increasing the center’s activity in medical education field and pursuing the publication of the medical education articles in the university journals
  • Media support for different activities of the center
  • Developing collaboration with the other developing centers of the other universities of the country


Contact us: 
 88955016- 88954893 (106)