Work Package 1

Work Package 1 (WP1) addresses situation analysis, needs identification and planning for infrastructure.

A step wise approach of needs assessment, institutional and situational analysis including review of existing curricula and capacity assets will provide the basis to decide on thematic areas to be covered, which intuitional staff members to be involved and what would be the modules that require to be prioritized. These assessments will be done by review of curricula, interviews and surveys.

It will also provide an analysis of requirements to develop the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Global Health. A detailed strategic plan, including financing options, will be developed to sustain the centre beyond the project cycle. The course material and training curriculum that is developed for the educators in Global Health is being developed in a joint way between the European and Iranian partners, ensuring that it is appropriate to the Iranian context. Partners will ensure that this is developed along the latest insights on competency-based education and problem based learning.

These modules will be integrated in a virtual learning platform that will become integrated into a blended learning environment, first to be tested by the educators in global health. All European partners have experience with these blended learning platforms and specialized teaching and technical staff will be involved to ensure that digital learning environment to be developed are if highest quality and appropriate to the Iranian context and infrastructure available.

I. Preparation (Situation analysis, needs identification and planning for infrastructure)

 1.1. Undertake needs (gaps) assessment and situational analysis in the partner country


  • 1.2.1. Identify region specific education needs and employability demands in the global health domain, via a stakeholder workshop in Iran  
  • 1.2.2. Analysis of competences in key actors in place to address global health challenges

1.3. Institutional Capacity Assessment of partner institutions

1.4. Review of existing curricula and training pedagogies and opportunities all institutions in the project.

1.5. Develop a dissemination strategy (short/ medium/ long-term pathways to impact)

1.1 Needs assessment20-Jul20-AugIran/ virtual
1.2 Education needs plus competence demands20-Aug20-OctIran/ virtual
1.3 Institutional capacity assessment20-Sep20-NovIran/ virtual
1.4 Review of curricula and Pedagogy20-Sep21-FebIran/Virtual
1.5 Dissemination strategy20-Nov21-MarIran
1.6 Assessment for CoÉ20-Dec21-MarIran/virtual

This work package has been fully completed and the educational needs of the master's students in global health have been extracted through a comprehensive qualitative study.