Work Package 3

Work Package 3 (WP3) addresses quality plan and ensuring robust quality of the process.

The management team (UM and TUMS) establish a system to continuously record and report information on inputs, activities and outputs. Monthly monitoring reports will be made and discussed in the team and in the Steering Committee (SC) to undertake remedial action and ensure smooth progress. The focus in monitoring will be on efficiency (inputs/outputs); deliverables; efficient management of human resources, timing of activities and sensitivity of taking into account stakeholder views. At inception of the project, firm agreement will be reached on the role and deliverables of each partner institutions. Frequent communication is essential to support the project quality, with monthly skype/ phone meetings between all partners in which the deliverables, outcomes and problems will be reviewed and improvements suggested as per requirement. Yearly face-to-face project meetings are organized at the beginning of each year 1 for preparation, 1 during development and 1 in dissemination. The program manager of the project, based at UM, will monitor implementation of the project on a daily basis. A robust system of evaluation will be put in place to ensure effective delivery of the project. This will involve extensive evaluation of outputs/outcomes undertaken as part of quality control and assurance (QC/QA) in WP3. The QC/QA will focus on outcomes, i.e. measuring a) how the design of ToT courses follows state-of the art, b) what is the extent of learning and acquiring the intended competencies among trainees in the ToT courses, c) setting benchmarks for training, d)close monitoring of trainers of ToT and trainees of ToT and finding out also reasons for sub-optimal performance. The quality assessment of curricula design focuses on measuring how well they follow state of the art, and on views of advisory panel experts and key stakeholders as well as views of a group of intended trainees.


All assessments are reviewed and remedial action suggested. Re-assessments are conducted as needed.

The situational analysis and needs assessment undertaken in preparatory phase will generate a baseline

assessment, which will be used for the QA/C for the project in the following years. This assessment will

have information about:

  1. the needs of staff, students, stakeholders and society
  2. all stakeholders and beneficiaries of the program and their specific roles
  3. a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis
  4. the labor market in the region for graduates in global health
  5. gender sensitivity of staff and students and needs to reach gender equity
  6. service quality (stakeholder satisfaction)
  7. progress and challenges of previous projects in global health education in the region


A yearly report (end of year 1, 2 and 3) will be written to oversee the deliverables and outputs/ outcomes related to the log frame. This yearly report will also contain a SWOT analysis and an analysis of all encountered problems. This yearly report will collect information from stakeholders and beneficiaries from the project. This will be used to adjust the deliverables/ outputs from the log frame for the following years and support quality improvement.

III. Quality plan (Ensuring robust quality of the process)

3.1. Establish ToR for a steering committee and scientific advisory board including relevant societal actors

3.2. Develop Quality assurance and enhancement plan for global health degree program. 

3.3. Set Quality assurance indicators and protocol for consortium deliverables students

3.4. To prepare that educational development coherent with Iranian and European accreditation Standards

This package has been working continuously during the project and during the implementation of packages 1 and 2.