Work Package 4

Work Package 4 (WP4) addresses dissemination, and exploitation.

It reaches out to advocacy, and expand the implementation. In this work package, the project will be disseminated to several stakeholder such as government authorities, media, academic boards, fellow researchers, health professionals. This will be done at the national level, mainly via the inauguration of the center of excellence, for which regional and international guests will be invited.

In this phase learning and key outcomes of the project will be synthesized and shared via policy briefs and presentations at conferences, meetings and via the website of the center of excellence. Dissemination will take place in the region during important regional health meetings e.g. by WHO-EMRO, as well as global health fora in Europe where key academic and policy makers will be present.

Transferability of pedagogy and materials will be assessed, and if appropriate, shared with institutions in the region. An academic article will describe the entire process, challenges and recommendations arising from the project. Discussion between the partners of integrating modules in a global health educational network will continue.


The five main tasks in this work package include:

4.1 Advocacy & regional scoping/ dissemination meetings - M8 Alliance (Berlin - Kish); WHO Regional Meeting; EU-Brussels, Health Systems Global

4.2 Synthesize and disseminate key learnings from the project

  • 4.2.1 Clarify transferability of developed pedagogy and developed educational material
  • 4.2.2 Explore possibility to transfer to other institutions, based on needs and languages

4.3 Article for academic journals, share case studies with global health community

4.4 Inauguration Centre of Excellence for Global Health at TUMS: documenting, disseminating and keeping international collaboration ongoing

4.5 Networking/ Dissemination meetings with other stakeholders in the region

IV. Dissemination and exploitation (Reaching out to advocate and expand the implementation)

4.1 Advocacy & regional scoping/ dissemination meetings (Tehran + Afghanistan) - M8 Alliance (Berlin); WHO Regional Meeting (Tunisia/ Cairo); EAGHA

  • 4.1.1 Clarify transferability of developed pedagogy and developed educational material
  • 4.1.2 Explore possibility to transfer to other institutions, based on needs and languages

4.2 Synthesize and disseminate key learnings from the project

4.3 Global health community (article for academic journals, share case studies)

4.4 Setting up regional Knowledge hub on global health (website development and Maintenance)

4.5 Networking/ Dissemination meetings with other stakeholders in the region   

This package has been working continuously during the project and during the implementation of packages 1 and 2.