Work Package 5

Work Package 5 (WP5) addresses management including smooth operational and financial aspects of the project.

The project will be managed by a management team from UM and TUMS in close collaboration with the other consortium members. A Project manager, located at UM, will support the team’s tasks that include overall project management, risk assessment, successful in-time delivery of all actions and deliverables, and smooth realization of outcomes in accordance with project application. Moreover the

project coordinator will ensure effective communication among project consortium members (during and after project life cycle) through online (e-mail), phone, Skype, regular face-to-face contacts, planned meetings, and other means.


Specifically, the project coordinator is responsible for organization of

  • Inception workshop
  • Organize Executive Management Committee meetings
  • Oversee financial management of the project
  • Oversee operational (timeline)
  • Sub Contracting - web development + Web hosting + Financial auditing + External Evaluation
  • Overseeing the design, building, equipping and inauguration of Centre of Excellence for GH at TUMS
  • Communication and conflict management
  • Oversee the quality assurances plan, with M&E (quantitative/ qualitative)


The project management team at UM/TUMS is expected to participate in all project-related meetings, seminars, conferences, training workshops and provide guidance to project board. In addition, the management team will provide direct or indirect guidance in all WP’s upon request of responsible partner institution.

V. Management (Smooth operational and financial aspects of the project)

5.1  Inception workshop to clarify the project, partners, division meetings

5.2  organize Executive Management Committee meetings

5.3   Oversee financial management of the project

5.4   Oversee operational (timeline)         

5.5   Sub-Contracting - web development + Web hosting + Financial auditing + External Evaluation             

5.6  Communication and conflict management

5.7  Oversee the quality assurances plan, with M&E (quantitative/ qualitative)

This package has been working continuously during the project and during the implementation of packages 1 and 2.