About EDO


International College Education Development Office

The International College Education Development Office of the University has been working since the winter of 2019.

This office was established in the form of committees related to the field of education in order to promote and empower faculty members, with the aim of improving the quality of education in the field of planning, evaluation and research in education. Considering the priorities of the university in the field of education and research, focusing on educational programs in order to achieve the high goals of the university is one of the most important missions of this office.




 Description of goals and tasks

Standardization of educational programs

Advising and guiding faculty members in compiling Course Plan/ Lesson Plan

Pursuing and considering Course Plan/ Lesson Plan

Monitoring the implementation of the Course Plan/ Lesson Plan

Participation in written format evaluation and implementation, Course Plan Lesson Plan in training chairs

Participating in the development of new methods of teaching and learning

Conducting needs assessment of faculty members and students and get their opinions



Participating in conducting, accompanying and supervising the internal and external evaluation of educational chairs

Participating in guiding, implementing and supervising faculty member performance evaluation

Performing evaluation of tests, documenting the results and providing feedback to the chairs

Informing and preparing new educational resources required by faculty members



Research in education

Encourage faculty members to conduct research projects in education

Providing advice on the implementation of research projects in education

Participating in the implementation of need assessment of special training workshops for faculty members and students

Encouraging faculty members to conduct research projects in education

Providing advice on the implementation of research projects in education

Participating in the implementation of needs assessment of special training workshops for faculty members and students

Participating in holding workshops for faculty members and students