List of TUMS MoUs & MoAs

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) currently has bilateral collaboration MoUs and MoAs in education, research, staff, and student exchange programs with more than 30 universities, institutes, hospitals, and associations in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the United States.

You can see the list of TUMS MoUs & MoAs below:

CountryTypeUniversity/ Institute NameDateDurationDocument
USAMoUUniversity at Albany, State University of New York15-May-20155 Years
USAMoAHarvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI)29-Dec-20125 Years
USAMoAHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health of Harvard University20-Jun-20169 Years
USAMoUTufts University1-Feb-20163 Years
USAMoAEmory University10-Jul-20143 Years
USAMoUAmerican Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP)27-Apr-2020-
USAMoUUniversity of Missouri1-Oct-20215 Years
-MoUAsian Pacific Endodontic Confederation22-Jun-20203 Years
Showing 211-218 of 218 items.