TUMS Develops Cordial & Academic Collaborations with USC

Giving a welcome speech, at the beginning of the meeting, TUMS Chancellor pointed to the MoU signed among the 5 Iranian universities, for the purpose of collaboration in MARHABA/ERASMUS project, as an opportunity for using scientific potentials of counterpart universities. Besides, the Chancellor spoke of TUMS potentials and interests in collaborating with world universities including Spanish ones.
Also, the ambassador of Spain expressed happiness over sharing of thoughts and experiences among USC and the five renowned Iranian universities. Moreover, USC Rector considered the meeting as a chance for interchanging knowledge and expressed readiness student exchange with TUMS. USC Vice Rector for Internationalization also presented the university and talked about USC rank and capacities.
Heads of the 5IRIUC presented facts and figures about their universities afterwards.
After the meeting and in companion with TUMS international relations officials, USC delegation started visiting various parts of TUMS, including laboratories and departments of TUMS School of Public Health, School of Medicine, and Core Facility building for School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine.
An MoU was signed between USC and TUMS Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN) at presence of Deans and Vice Deans of Schools of Medicine.
Furthermore, the USC professors paid a visit to TUMS Children’s Medical Center and took part in a symbolic football match with patients of the center.
It is worth noting that, USC delegation plan to visit TUMS School of Dentistry and also to deliver scientific speeches in their counterpart schools, aiming at expanding scientific communications.
Translated By: M. Maddah
Photos: J. Rabiee, M. Vahidi
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