Farewell meeting for the second cohort of MARHABA program incoming grantees of TUMS

10 December 2017 | 09:00 Code : 1124 News
A farewell meeting was held for Ana Isabel and David Don Lopez, two MARHABA incoming grantees of TUMS on Sunday, December 10th, 2017.
Farewell meeting for the second cohort of MARHABA program incoming grantees of TUMS

Dr. Lotfi, Vice-dean for International Affairs at School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine and supervisor of MARHABA incoming grantee, Dr. Alaghband, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at School of Medicine and supervisor of MARHABA incoming grantee, Mr. David Don Lopez, Post-Doc researcher in Tissue Engineering from Spain, Ana Isabel Bastos Mota, PhD student in Psychology from Portugal and TUMS International Relations Officers were the attendees of this meeting.

First the attendees talked about their experiences in Iran and specifically at TUMS and offered their feedback. They expressed their satisfaction with the opportunity to get to know the Iranian culture and language.

During the meeting, the attendees discussed the MARHABA program in general and evaluated its opportunities and challenges. The Erasmus Mundus MARHABA is a project for exchanging students and staff between European countries and three Middle East countries including Iran, which the third and last cohort is currently running.

Dr. Lotfi and Dr. Alaghband indicated the details of the grantees’ projects and expressed their content with their achievements during their stay.

The supervisors also appreciated all the efforts of the office of Vice-chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs and specially Dr. Nekoofar for providing this opportunity, saying: “the mobility programs can have an impact on the internationalization of higher education and introducing the Iranian culture to the world, giving a more accurate picture of our country”.

The grantees expressed their gratitude to their supervisors and the International Relations officers. 

At the end of the session, the grantees were given gifts on behalf of the University.


Reported By: M. Alaeddini

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