University of Zurich Calls for Summer Schools and Joint Seminars

15 June 2019 | 08:55 Code : 1215 News
The University of Zurich (UZH) offers opportunities to hold summer schools and joint seminars with Iran universities of medical sciences, according to international common goals, in order to use the experience and knowledge of Iranian and Swiss parties to expand international affairs.
University of Zurich Calls for Summer Schools and Joint Seminars

The two parties must co-organize a project witht the contribution of members from UZH and an Iranian university.

The deadline for nomination is 1 August 2019, and the start of related activities is determined for 1 February 2020. It must be mentioned that the registration is going to be conducted by the Swiss party as well as the University of Zurich. The Iranian party must submit an information form to The Leading House for IranSwitzerland Academic Partnerships.

For more information, please refer to the webpage:

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