Finland’s Health System and its cooperation with TUMS School of Public Health

15 June 2019 | 09:02 Code : 1216 News
The Dean and the Vice-Dean of International Affairs of TUMS School of Public Health visited Finland’s Tampere University and learn about the country’s health system and exchange constructive experiences with their Finnish hosts.
Finland’s Health System and its cooperation with TUMS School of Public Health

On 16 May 2019, at the invitation of the Head of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of Tampere University, Finland, a small TUMS delegation traveled to Finland for an eight-day visit familiarize themselves with Finland's health system, as well as sign a memorandum of understanding with the university with the aim of exchanging students and faculty members.

Finland is currently a leading country with regard to different aspects of its educational system, including health in all major policies. Notably, it has one of the happiest populations in the world.

Tampere University consists of seven schools - including schools of Medicine, Technology and Public Health and Social Sciences - as well as a university hospital. It has more than 2,000 faculty members, a university and its student population in different majors exceeds 35,000.

One of its significant characteristics is its optimal ergonomy and multiple modern and sufficient number of buildings that provide enough space and plenty of light, comprised of proper facilities as well as numerous café services, and have an efficient energy usage.

Faculty members of Finnish universities approach their professional activities bassed on two approeaches.  One is to carry out the promotion process and conduct research activities but not be involved in the upgrade routines and processes.

Interestingly, individuals as part of the health system, research centers, and government organizations can, without having the smallest record in the university, apply for full professor positions.

During this visit, TUMS officials had the opportunity to sit down with the Dean of the school, the Vice-Dean for Research, as well as some of the professors active in the fields of health economics and world health. Moreover, they had a meeting with the Head of the Department of Social Sciences. The Vice-President for Research of Tampere University was kindly host of a dinner meeting with the TUMS delegation.

Finland has a research institute similar to the Iranian National Institute of Health Research . It is called THL and has about 900 researcher and a budget of 60 million dollars, 70% of which is provided by the government. This institute is of great importance to the development, research and realization of the Health in All Policies principle of the Finnish health system. A visit was also made to the Finnish Cancer Registry in Helsinki where a closer observation of the Finnish health system's educational programs became possible.

To conclude this constructive mission and thanks to the serious intentions on both sides, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of Tampere University and the Dean of TUMS School of Public Health, emphasizing upon the opportunity to exchange professors and students, utilizing the financial initiatives of the European Union, and conducting research projects, especially in the field of health and peace. Other issues discussed were the impact of sanctions on the health system, necessary follow-up measures, and the area of ​​sustainable development of health, which is necessary for moving toward the third and fourth generation universities and the internationalization of higher education systems.

TUMS School of Public Health has started a systematic, logical and effective movement in the field of health sciences, and it is hoped that regular cooperation with Finland will act as another step to reach future purposes, essentially requiring the cooperation and assistance of all distinguished members of the faculty, students and researchers.

Reported By:

Dr. Ali Akbari Sari, The Dean of the School of Public Health

Dr. Amir Hossein Takiyan, The Vice-Dean of International affairs of the School of Public Health

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