TUMS Improves its Position to 492nd in Essential Science Indicators Repot for May 2013

Dr. Mostafa Ghanei,
the Vice-minister for Research of Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoHME), has been quoted as saying by the Ministry's news outlet that the number of medical science universities from Iran included among the top 1% academic institutions of the world has reached eight in the latest Essential Science Indicator(ESI) report for May 2013. While Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) has improved its rank by 92 to rise to the 492nd position, Iran and Mashhad medical science universities, and Pasteur Institute of Iran are among the top 1% for the first time.
Considering all fields of science, Tehran (492nd by 92 position improvements), Shahid Beheshti (884th by 77 position improvement), Shiraz (1303rd by 78 position improvement), Isfahan (1550th by 228 position improvements), Tabriz (1637th), Mashhad (1841st), and Iran (2128th) universities of medical sciences and Pasteur Institute of Iran are the eight academic bodies to be among the top 1% research institutions.
In clinical medicine, TUMS has achieved the 214th position following 38 position improvements, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 468th by 66, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences 552nd by 22 and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences 735th by 20 position improvements. Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tabriz, Mashhad and Iran universities of medical sciences have respectively achieved the 1854th, 913th, 987th and 1057th positions.
To be included in the ESI ranking, academic institutions are evaluated by the citations to their original and review articles indexed in the Web of Science database.
Reported By: M. Saberipour
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