Mutual Collaboration Agreement with Pathological Diagnostic Center & Institute of Support Center of Remote Medicine, Japan

Following the invitation of TUMS, Prof. Kouki Inai, Director, Pathological Diagnostic Center and President, Institute of Support Center of Remote Medicine, Japan, visited School of Public Health and Virtual School aimed at mutual collaboration.
Upon his visit to TUMS, Dr. Kavyani, dean of Virtual School and Dr. Kakooei, head of department of Occupational Health Engineering, school of Public Health, introduced the research and educational potentials and principal activities carrying out by the schools. Prof. Inai was engaged in talk with the authorities of each school, figuring out initial potentials.
In his visit to school of Public Health, He also had a meeting with the faculty staff, discussing about asbestos and asbestos-related diseases in Iran.
At the end of the visit, the two sides negotiated issues of mutual interests and signed MOU in the fields of student and teacher exchanges, joint degree programs, exchange of experiences and other areas of cooperation.
Reported by: A/S
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