About Leading House


 Chief and Advisory members 



Dr. Amirhossein Takian (MD,MPH,PhD,FHEA)

 Director of Leading House for Iran-M8 Academic   Partnerships     

ٍ Email: takain@tums.ac.ir


Dr. Naghmeh Meraji 

Dr. Azadeh Shadmehr

Dr. Hamid-Reza Adhami

School of Dentistry

School of Rehabilitation

School of Pharmacy

Dr. Alireza Namazi Shabestari

Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Feizabadi

Dr. Farzad Fatehi

School of Medicine

School of Medicine

School of Medicine

Dr. Sarieh Poortaghi

Dr.Kazem Zendehdel

Dr. Aeen Mohammadi

School of Nursing and Midwifery

School  of Medicine

Virtual School

Dr. Mohammad Reza Khami

Dr. Arman Zargaran

Dr. Hamed Pouraram

School of Dentistry

School of Persian Medicine

School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics


Dr. Mohammad Sadegh Hassanvand

Dr. Nader Riahi Aalam

Dr. Amir Hooman Kazemi Motlagh

Institute for Environment Research

School of Medicine

School of Persian Medicine

Dr. Vahid Changizi

Dr. Javad Seyedhosseini

Dr. Ali Yoonessi

School of Allied Medical Sciences

School of Medicine

School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine

Dr. Nazanin Mahdavi

Dr. Fatemeh Nabavizadeh Rafsanjani

Ramesh Allipour Birgani

School of Dentistry

School of Medicine

 M8-Leading House 

Strategic Partnerships Officer


Last Update At : 08 October 2019