TUMS Minimally Invasive Surgical Oncology Congress

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Tehran University of Medical Sciences is located in Tehran, Iran. In 1851, the Institute of Higher Education (Dar-ol-Fonoon) was created with medicine as one of its main subjects, as the first modern center of medical training in Iran. The School of Medicine was established as a part of University of Tehran in 1934. After the Islamic Revolution, medical schools and departments associated with medical fields were separated from the Ministry of Higher Education and were taken under the administration of the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education. Since 1986, all those schools of University of Tehran which specialize in medical fields have carried on their activities independently as Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. The university is Iran’s top-ranked research university and is a national center of excellence for medical care. In 2018, TUMS had over 13,000 students (55% of whom are women) in various disciplines. TUMS has 11 schools, operates 16 teaching hospitals with over 4,000 beds, has 105 research centers and 44 libraries … (more info)


The Cancer Institute

The TUMS Cancer Institute, as one of the important parts of the Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, is the leading organization for cancer research and treatment, and is comprised of the three sections of Education, Research, Diagnosis and Treatment.

The Cancer Institute (CI) has given hope and life to thousands of patients for over 68 years, and it is the largest referral center in fighting cancer with essential role in assigning standards and protocols of therapy and caring for cancerous patients in Iran.

The history of the CI dates back to 1949, when a cancer hospital was established as a result of a collaborative agreement between Tehran University Medical School and the Red Crescent Organization of the country. The hospital provided surgical, pathological, and outpatient services to referred cancer patients nationwide. In 1950 ... (more info)