TUMS MoUs and MoAs

Directorate of International Relations assists schools, departments, research centers and hospitals with their international agreements by providing professional guidance from start to the end by tracking status throughout the review, approval and signature process. We also provides templates or creates custom-made agreements for your schools, departments, research centers and hospitals should need be.

Provided that you appeal to the support and guidance from, the following guidelines should be followed when entering an MoU with Tehran University of Medical Sciences. You should send your proposal to the international director of the school, research center or hospital.

The international director should:

  1. Gain approvals from his/her dean.
  2. There is the list of TUMS MoUs & MoAs below and you can see if any agreements already exist with the international institution. If an agreement is already in place, he/she should work with this office to decide whether to create a new agreement or add an addendum to the existing agreement or implement the existing agreement.
  3. Prepare an initial draft of the agreement using the university MOU templates. The information required in the form should be written in consultation with the international institution in order that they arrive at a mutually agreeable document.
  4. Make all changes and send the final draft of the agreement to this office for final analysis. We will return the analyzed agreement to the initiating department, for obtaining signatures from the international institution. The agreement is not final until both sides have signed the agreement.
  5. Keep one copy of the signed agreement and send one copy of the original document to this office.
  6. Observe the progress of the agreement with the international institution and send a report of the process of its implementation to this office.
  7. Within five months of the agreement expiring, contact the coordinator of the international institution to specify their interest in continuing or renewing the collaboration.

This Directorate provides the following templates for you to choose from. Should you need an agreement no presented in our templates, please do not hesitate to contact us.

General Academic Memorandum of Understanding

This agreement is a general statement of intent to cooperate, and that the parties will sign further agreements regarding specific collaborations.

 Faculty Exchange Agreement

TUMS and international institution faculty may collaborate on research or teaching. Faculty will be compensated by the home institution.

Student Exchange Agreement

TUMS and international institution students may study abroad. Students pay tuition to their home institutions.

 Research Agreement

TUMS and international institution will enhance and promote research and development in the fields of Health and Medical Education.

Individual Agreement of Cooperation

Scientists from international institutions can initiate their collaboration with TUMS autonomously.

Collaboration Agreement for University-Led Projects

TUMS leads academic projects in favor of the company with which it signs the agreement.  

Sistership Agreement

Through signing this Agreement, both parties will collaborate in various areas such as joint research projects, international conferences, exchange of accreditation procedures, etc.

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) currently has bilateral collaboration MoUs and MoAs in education, research, staff, and student exchange programs with more than 30 universities, institutes, hospitals, and associations in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the United States.

You can see the list of TUMS MoUs & MoAs below:

CountryTypeUniversity/ Institute NameDateDurationDocument
ArmeniaMoUYerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi26-May-20083 Years
ArmeniaMoUYerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi15-Feb-20255 Years
AustraliaMoUUniversity of Sydney13-Jun-2008-
AustraliaMoUMacquarie University30-Jan-20165 Years
AustraliaMoUMacquarie University9-Jun-20165 Years
AustraliaMoUUniversity of New South Wales26-Feb-20183 Years
AustraliaMoUUniversity of Southern Queensland14-Jun-20233 Years
AustriaMoUMedical University of Vienna3-Oct-20115 Years
AustriaMoUAcademy of Traditional European Medicine9-Sep-20154 Years
AzerbaijanMoUAzerbaijan Medical University12-Oct-20135 Years
AzerbaijanMoUAzerbaijan Medical University10-Jun-20155 Years
AfghanistanMoUKabul University of Medical Sciences8-Jun-20155 Years
AfghanistanMoUMinistry of Higher Education (MoHE)4-Dec-20165 Years
AfghanistanMoUGhalib University19-Mar-20193 Years
AfghanistanMoUKhatam Al-Nabieen University1-Aug-20188 Years
BelarusMoABelarusian Medical Academy of Post – Graduate Education17-Apr-20095 Years
BelarusMoUInstitute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus19-Nov-20095 Years
BelarusMoUBelarusian National Research Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology13-Jan-20145 Years
BelarusMoUBelarusian State Mediacal University22-Apr-20155 Years
BelarusMoABelarusian State Mediacal University1-Feb-20215 Years

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a legal document that describes the common purposes of two or more parties. An MOU is usually less complicated and less detailed than an MoA, though it still provides a framework and set of rules to guide the parties in carrying a project or working arrangement.

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)

A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) is a binding written negotiated agreement between two or more parties, particularly one which is enforceable by law. It puts an obligation on each party to do or not do something, and it also gives each party the legal right to request the performance of whatever the other parties promised to them. In order to be valid, all parties must be legally competent to enter a contract, the mutuality of the agreement and of its obligations must exist, and there must be meticulous consideration.

Choosing between an MoU and MoA

If you do not wish to be bound by the document until a formal Agreement comes into force, you should use a Memorandum of Understanding.  If you wish to be bound by this document, we recommend that you enter into a Memorandum of Agreement.