Consular Affairs

During your residence in Iran as a TUMS International Student, have different consular requests which some of which are necessary. Below, you can find detailed instruction on how to acquire the type of visa suitable for your situation and request:
A Visa for foreign students who intend to study in an Iranian university.
Who can apply:
- School students
- Student
- Researchers
Documents needed:
- A request form (can be downloaded from here,)
- A high-quality scan of the first page of your passport
- A high-quality scan of your photo in passport size
*Note: To apply for an E-visa as a TUMS student please contact our office in Tehran.
One-Year Residency Permit
To facilitate administrative affairs and observe consular regulations, as well as saving your time and not facing a penalty, it is imperative to proceed with acquiring a one-year residency permit at most 10 days after arrival and registration at TUMS in Kish Consular Affairs Office. Your request will be ready at most within a month.
Who can apply:
- Every new student who has entered with an E-visa.
- A high-quality scan of your photo in passport size
Documents needed:
Note 1: All fields should be filled out completely both in English and Persian.
Note 2: You can fill your form as this sample:
- Original passport
- Completed Application form for Residence Permit (should be downloaded from here, typed, and printed out)
- 2 Photos (3*4) (Passport- style photograph)
- 3 Copies of your passport’s information page (first page)
- 1 Copy of your passport’s ID page (the barcode on the last page of your passport)
- The original paper of your E-type entry visa along with 2 copies of your E-type entry visa
- A copy of Accident Insurance Registration (registration should be done via how to register (video)
- Payment of 200,000 Rials (20,000 Tomans)
*Note: To apply for a residency permit for your family members who are residing with you in Iran, in addition to the above documents for each of them, you need to pay 1,000,000 Rials (100,000 Tomans) for each of them separately and the following documents of student for their family members are required:
1. Two copies of student’s passport’s information page in size of A4 (first page)
2. Two copies of the student’s passport’s ID page in size of A4 (the barcode on the last page of your passport)
Extending a One-Year Residency Permit:
To facilitate administrative affairs and observe consular regulations, as well as saving your time and not face a penalty, it is imperative to proceed with extending a one-year residency permit/ visa permission 10 days before its expiration date. Your request will be ready at most within 2 weeks.
Who can apply:
- Students who have a 1-year residency permit
Documents needed:
- Original passport
- Completed Application form for Residence Permit Renewal (should be downloaded from here, typed, and printed out)
Note 1: All fields should be filled out completely both in English and Persian.
Note 2: You can fill your form as this sample:
- 1 Photo (3*4) (Passport- style photograph)
- 2 Copies of your passport’s information page (first page and last residence permit)
- 1 Copy of your passport’s ID page (the barcode on the last page of your passport)
- A copy of Accident Insurance Registration (registration should be done via how to register (video)
- Payment of 200,000 Rials (20,000 Tomans)
Exit and Re-Entry Permission
As an International Student, who is studying in a full-time program at any university in Iran you should get permission for Exit-return before booking any flights or travelling outside of Iran. This request will be fulfilled within a week in Kish Island. To facilitate this process, please use the information below:
Who can apply:
- Students that have a 1-year residency permit
Documents needed:
- Original passport
- Completed Application form for Exit permission (should be downloaded from here, typed, and printed out)
Note 1: All fields should be filled out completely both in English and Persian.
Note 2: You can fill your form as this sample:
- 2 Copies of your passport’s information page (first page and last residence permit)
- Request for Leave Form (should be downloaded from here, printed out, and written)
- Payment of 20,000 Rials (20,000 Rials)
Internal Exit Permission:
As an International Student, who is studying in a full-time program at any university in Iran you must receive a permission for Exit-return before any new residence in another city of Iran. This request will be done within a week in Kish for students who must go to Tehran for the rest of their educating after the basic sciences exam (Olume-Paye). To facilitate this process, please follow the information below:
Who can apply:
- Students who have a 1-year residency permit in Kish
Documents needed:
- Original passport
- Completed Application form for Exit permission (should be downloaded from here, typed, and printed out)
Note 1: All fields should be filled out completely both in English and Persian.
Note 2: You can fill your form as this sample:
- 2 Copies of your passport’s information page (first page and last residence permit)
- Payment of 20,000 Rials (20,000 Rials)
Important note: Students who leave Kish Island without a registered Internal exit should consider that they must travel to Kish Island and submit their documents to the Kish Island Consular Office of TUMS to make any consular request, including Exit & re-entry permit and residence extending.
Permanent Exit Permission
Students who are about to leave TUMS and consequently Iran, as a result of graduation, withdrawal, or being expelled, and their last residence permit has been registered in Kish, should apply for a permanent Exit Permission. This request will be done within 2 weeks.
Who can apply:
- Students who have a 1-year residency permit in Kish and would like to leave Iran
Documents needed:
- Original passport
- Completed Application form for Exit permission (should be downloaded from here, typed, and printed out)
Note 1: All fields should be filled out completely both in English and Persian.
Note 2: You can fill your form as this sample:
- 2 Copies of your passport’s information page (first page and last residence permit)
- The clearance form should be signed and sealed by the respective offices of TUMS. (The form will be provided to the students at the Educational office of TUMS-Kish)
- Payment of 20,000 Rials (20,000 Rials)
Important note: Students who have tuition debt are not allowed to leave the country.
Students who leave Iran without receiving a permanent exit visa while they are graduating, withdrawing, or being expelled are responsible for the legal consequences of not registering a permanent exit visa under the Consular laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Students whose passports are near their expiration date need to renew their passports via their countries' embassy in Tehran, and then proceed with obtaining the residency extension stamp with their already expired passport. Students whose countries do not have an embassy in Iran need to refer to the Visa and Consular Affairs office at TUMS Directorate of International Affairs and Development, for consultation and further information.
In case you proceed with renewing your passport in your country of citizenship during your trip, you must have your old passport, containing previous residency stamps and a student visa, with you to be able to return to Iran. To transfer all legal permissions from your old passport to your new one.
Contact the Consular Office:
Address: Marjan beach, Kish Island 7941863399, Iran.
Tel.: (+98 76) 444666260
Hours for Submitting Documents: Saturdays to Wednesdays, 09:00 to 13:00
WhatsApp: (+98) 9173162312