A summary of the university educational regulations approved by the High Planning Council regarding the attendance criteria for students




Article 23) The student's presence in all sessions related to each lesson is mandatory and the student's absence in any of the sessions is considered absence.
Article 24) The student's absence hours in each theoretical course shall not exceed 4/17 of the total hours of that course, otherwise the student's score in that course shall be considered zero.

Note 1: Absence up to the limit specified in Article 24 will be allowed if it is recognized as justified by presenting a justified document and approval of the teacher. The method of dealing with the absence of a student (justified or unjustified) will be the responsibility of the teacher and with the approval of the faculty.

Article 26) In each semester, up to two weeks after the beginning of the semester, the student can delete a maximum of two courses taken or take two more courses, or replace the two courses taken with two other courses, provided that the number of units obtained does not exceed the prescribed limits.

Note 1 Absence in the first two weeks of each class is not allowed due to drop and add or for any other reason, and if it happens, it will be considered within the maximum permitted absence of the student (the amount specified in Article 24) and the provisions of the said article will be implemented.


Note: A student can delete only one of his / her theoretical courses up to 5 weeks after the end of the semester with the approval of the relevant department, provided that, firstly, the student's absence in that course is not more than 4/17 total hours of that course and secondly, his remaining credits should not be less than the quorum of the credit.

Note 2: Drop and add of credits is not permitted in the summer semester.