2nd Applied Linguistics Webinar Session Held at TUMS

25 May 2021 | 13:36 webinar9
Dr. Behrooz Azabdaftari, an emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Tabriz University, Iran was the keynote speaker of the 2nd session of TUMS Applied Linguistics Webinar Series I on 11 July, 2020 who delivered his talk on “Halliday's Transitivity in EFL Context.” The speaker made a distinction between transitivity in its traditional sense, being a grammatical feature, and the concept of transitivity in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), which is concerned with the mental processes involved in expressing life experiences. Drawing upon Vygotskian epistemology, the speaker argued that the mental processes underlying the verbal structures are basically affected /determined by socio-cultural/historical factors.
2nd Applied Linguistics Webinar Session Held at TUMS

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