The first Think-tank Meeting of EducationIRAN Held in 1401

According to the public relations unit of the TUMS International College, the first meeting of EducationIRAN in 1401 was held on August 21, 2022 with the presence of Mr. Dr. Shabani (Secretary of the secretariat of EducationIRAN), Dr. Arab Kheradmand (university professor), Dr. Haj Ali Asgari (Director of Electronic Internationalization of Vice-Chancellor for International affairs), Ms. Karim (engineer) and Ms. Chekandi (engineer) in the Meeting Hall of the International College.
In the meeting, Dr. Arab Khordmand and Dr. Shabani touched upon EducationIRAN and its history, and then different parts of the portal and the Application Form were examined by Dr. Shabani and Ms. Chekandi. Subsequently Ms. Karim reviewed the existing business models and talked about the ways of ‘trend-creation’. Also, Dr. Haj Ali Asqari presented a proposal on improving the current website structure. It was decided that in the next meeting, the current situation be reviewed and a list of the current website’s needs be prepared.
Preparing the development plan (short-term, medium-term and long-term), following up the charter and organizing think-tank meetings on a weekly basis (Sundays) and holding meetings every other week with the presence of Dr. Arab Kheradmand to review the work progress and also to take necessary steps are among the future plans for this meeting.
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