For the first time, a brainstorming session on university colleges in the country was held

11 September 2023 | 14:53 News
A brainstorming session on university colleges in the country was held, where participants discussed the structure and agenda for establishing international colleges of medical universities. They emphasized the inclusion of criteria related to research, industry collaboration, entrepreneurship, and clinical aspects. The use of electronic infrastructures for university rankings based on international indicators was proposed. The importance of research, climate, and cultural capacities in attracting international students was highlighted. The session aimed to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas, with plans to further discuss and refine the criteria for establishing university colleges in future meetings.
For the first time, a brainstorming session on university colleges in the country was held


For the first time, a brainstorming session on university colleges in the country was held.

According to the report by Tehran University of Medical Sciences International College, on Tuesday, September 20, 1402, a brainstorming session on university colleges in the country was held with the presence of Dr. Shobani (Head of the International College of the University), Dr. Bahramnejad (Director of Educational Development Unit), Dr. Karbasi Matlagh (Medical Education expert), Dr. Gandamkar, Mr. Norani (Administrative and Public Affairs Officer), and Engineer Abdollahi (IT Officer) in the Council Hall of the International College building.

In this meeting, Dr. Shobani first presented an introduction to the structure and bylaws of the International College of the University and highlighted the activities and missions accomplished in this institution. Then, he referred to the common patterns and models in reputable international colleges worldwide, stating that the purpose of holding these periodic workshops is to provide models and criteria for establishing international colleges of medical universities in the country to be communicated and implemented at a macro level by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

Next, the initial draft of the agenda for the international colleges of medical universities in the country was discussed and exchanged among the session participants.

After conducting thorough assessments and carefully considering the suggestions, Dr. Gandamkar acknowledged that it would be better to classify and revise the agenda based on faculty criteria.

Furthermore, Dr. Karbasi Matlagh proposed that criteria related to research, industry collaboration, and entrepreneurship should be included in the agenda, and clinical aspects should also be incorporated in relevant cases.

Engineer Abdollahi suggested that existing electronic infrastructures could be utilized for ranking universities based on international criteria and indicators. For example, he mentioned some of the international criteria for evaluating university colleges, such as reputation, quality of education and research, financial resources, and cultural-climatic factors.

Dr. Bahramnejad emphasized the importance of focusing on research, climate, and cultural capacities, and provided several examples of successful universities in these areas.

Dr. Shobani highlighted the importance of research and the ranking of universities in ranking systems (based on at least five ranking systems), emphasizing that universities should strive to attract international students within the defined quantitative and qualitative frameworks for this process to progress in the right direction.

Finally, Dr. Shobani concluded the session as a meeting aimed at collaboration in reviewing the agenda, and he confirmed that in the next meeting, the prepared drafts for determining the criteria for establishing university colleges would be discussed and exchanged.

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