
According to an increasing population and the crucial issue of quality regarding medical health services and treatment, the necessity and need for non-pharmacological treatment is felt. According to World Health Organization (WHO), about %10 of people in each country have a type of disability. Considering the size of the vast population living across different countries, a lack of educated physical therapists is obvious. Thus, a Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy is greatly beneficial to the local population of Iran as well as fellow human beings across the globe.



Physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitation sciences, graduates of which try to assess and diagnose physical disabilities through with effective communication with patients. Also, with the application of physical factors such as light, electricity, heat, etc., and mechanical elements such as practices and different therapeutic movements, they try to solve these physical complications.

Physiotherapy is one of the special rehabilitation services which tries to restore health to the society. Graduates, with holistic and community-oriented insight, along with technological growth and increasing human needs, try to coordinate the patients with the environment and society and educate them for prevention the physical disorders.

Physiotherapists apply different approaches to solve, treatment, and consult patient needs. They need to have continuous contact with other research and educational centers to update their knowledge.


We expect to reach the first level of world with efforts of our physiotherapists. Aims: The main aim of B.Sc in physiotherapy is to educate students with the ability:

-To assess, recognizing the problems and doing physiotherapy exercises

-To assess and diagnose the problems and give physiotherapy services

-Ability to give services to prevent physical disorders

-Try to introduce this field


-Physiotherapy treatment under medical supervision




Duration: 4 years


Admission Requirements

To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Undergraduate Admission Requirements.


Admission Deadline

Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.

However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31, and the deadline for the February intake is October 31.


Education Fees and Yearly Expenses

For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.


Program Course:

Students must accept in national entrance exam for B.Sc Degree and should pass 130 credits total in 8 semester (4 years), including:

  • General courses           22 credit
  • Basic courses               41 credits
  • Specific courses           43 credits
  • Clinical internship         24 credits

Courses are presented in theoretical, practical, theoretical/ practical and clinical practice formats. Each theoretical credit is 17 hours and practical credit is 34 hours and clinical practice is 68 hours. 

For more information, please download the Program Curriculum of B.Sc. of Physiotherapy.

Contact Information:

In case of any inquiries, please contact the Department of Physiotherapy through the following:

Tel.: (+98 21) 7752 8468

Fax: (+98 21) 7752 8468



Address: Department of Physiotherapy, TUMS School of Rehabilitation, Enghelab St., Between Sadi St. and Darvazeh Shemiran, Tehran, Iran


To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:

Tel.: (+98 21) 8889 6692 & 94, Ext.: 318 or 319

Fax: (+98 21) 8889 6696


Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Iran


Apply Now!

In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.

Apply Now

Alternatively, you can visit the following pages if you require more information about the university: