Dental Clinic









“Faculty Clinic” of School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences includes dentists and specialists of different fields in dentistry. Most of them are faculty members of the University. 

This center opens from 15:30 to 20:30 Saturdays to Wednesdays and accept patients for primary examination from 15:30 to 18:30 on mentioned days.


After determining initial treatment plan, you will be referred to the relevant doctors and the type of required service will be recorded in your electronic file. 


If you need any extra information during these steps, patient guidance staff will help you.


Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)


Sections Guide



Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Services offered at Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department:

  • Intraoral radiography



Lateral Cephalometry

PA Cephalometry

Reverse Towne



Bilateral TMJ

Other skull radiographs





Extra oral radiography



Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Services provided in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department:

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery services offered in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Faculty Clinic of School of Dentistry includes diagnosis and surgical treatment, non-surgical, trauma, injuries, abnormalities, congenital and acquired aesthetics and functional defects of soft and hard tissue of face and jaw.


Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentist offers you a range of treatment options related to oral health of your child.

Services provided in Pediatric Dentistry


  • Examination
  • Diagnosis and Radiography
  • Child Behavior Control
  • Endodontic treatment of primary and permanent teeth
  • Polycarbonate and stainless steel crowns
  • Surgical treatments for children
  • Periodontal diseases
  •  Hospital Dentistry for children and children with special needs
  • Infant Oral Health Examination, risk assessment in mother and child
  • Preventive dental care includes fluoride prescription and diet and nutrition counselling
  • Consultations on oral habits (for example using pacifiers and sucking thumbs)
  • Early evaluation and treatment for aligning of teeth
  • Restoration of dental caries
  • Periodontal care in children
  • Dental injuries care (For example fractured teeth, dislocated, or extruded tooth)
  • Providing dental services for children under general anesthesia


Periodontics (Gingival diseases)

Services Provided at Periodontics Department:

Periodontics department involves diagnosis and treatment of gingival diseases.

1.       Periodontal surgery (gingival flap)

2.       Periodontal transplant

3.       Periodontal cosmetic surgery

4.       Increasing the length of tooth crown

5.       Scaling and Root planning

              6.       Periodontal curettage



Services provided at Prosthodontics Department

Prosthodontics Department consists of two parts: Fixed and Removable. In Fixed Prosthodontics section, reconstruction of treated teeth by post/core and crown and bridge, non-metal porcelain-type restorations, resin modified composites, laminate, metal and nonmetal inlays and onlays, treatment of patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and complete reconstruction of the mouth are done. In Removable Prosthodontics section, Complete and partial prosthesis treatments and treatments of patients who have damages in areas inside mouth, eyes, ears and nose, are done using the latest scientific achievements and the newest materials alongside common methods and materials.


Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine

Services provided at Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine Department:

Upon the arrival, Patients are divided based on their complaint

  • Patients who have complaint of pain, jaw fracture or rupture of tissue, etc.
  • People who come for a monthly check up.
  • others
  1.  Other services provided in this department are the treatment of orofacial pain of unknown origin and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders which is presented by the relevant specialist dentist (Dr. Shamsolmolouk Najafi) on Tuesdays.

    In the examination in addition to relevant questions, Complete oral examinations including salivary gland examination, thyroid examination, Temporomandibular Joint, head and neck lymphatic system, and cranial nerves are done. Also, if necessary, examinations, x-rays, and CT scans are prescribed for the patient. Each patient is referred to one or more treatment units depending on the type of treatment needed Regardless of the diagnostic issues that are necessarily treated in other sections, if in some cases oral damages and special problems are found in the patient's oral cavity, they will be treated in this group. Services provided at Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine Department are as follows:

  2. Complete dental examination and visit
  3. Complete examination of head and neck
  4. Diagnosis and treatment of oral lesions, including ulcerative, white and red lesion
  5. Biopsy of oral lesions under medical conditions
  6. Diagnosis and treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial pain
  7. Diagnosis of Oral and Maxillofacial cysts and tumors


Dental Implants

Services provided at Dental Implants Department

If a patient has lost one or more teeth or is completely edentulous, they can use dental implants to replace missing teeth. Dental implants fixtures are made of metal titanium or titanium alloys. This metal is easily accepted by bones and can be attached to it. A dental implant that is replaced with the root of the tooth has some subtle grooves on its surfaces that are twisted in the jawbone and then the implant is inserted into the cavity created by the drill. This will create an initial stability. Then the bone grows around this fixture for about six months and holds it tightly. The artificial crown is then attached to the fixture via abutment. This will take about a month or two, since it is necessary to test the artificial teeth to make sure they are adjusted correctly. The doctor will give you necessary instructions to oral hygiene and diet.



  • All the services related to Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy) include:

  • Primary Endo treatment
  • Treatment of the roots of all teeth
  • Treatment of teeth after trauma
  • Vital pulp therapy
  • Treatment of the teeth with root resorption




Services Provided at Orthodontics

Orthodontics Department offers orthodontic treatments especially for children and young adults, using fixed and removable therapeutic methods in dental clinic.


Restorative Dentistry

Services Provided at Restorative Dentistry Department:

In this section, teeth restoration or filling is done using a variety of materials and techniques. Maintaining the beauty of appearance while maintaining durability is the main goal of this sectionTooth whitening and cosmeticdentistry services are offered by this department.


General Dentistry

In this section a range of services offered in other sections that can be done by general dentist, will be offered with lower tariff.




Head of Clinic

Contact Person

Dr. Mohamadreza Khami

Tel: (+9821) 88497408


Mailing Address: End of North Kargar Street, adjacent to the Atomic Energy Organization, High School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Dr. Pouyan Amini Shakib

Tel: (+9821) 88351255

Cell phone: (+98)9126443823


Mailing Address: End of North Kargar Street, adjacent to the Atomic Energy Organization, High School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Last Update At : 14 December 2019