An Introduction to Evidence-based Dentistry

Stay up to date in your clinical practice!



  • Dr. Fariba Motevasselian
  • Dr. Mohammad Reza Khami
  • Dr. Hossein Hessari


Prof. Jorma Virtanen

University of Bergen, Norway

Prof. Saadika Khan

University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Prof. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu

University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Prof. Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob

International Medical University, Malaysia


Prof. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar

 Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Prof. Mohammad Reza Khami

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Prof. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran


Why join this course?

As health professionals, we have a professional responsibility to provide the best available care for our patients and community. With the fast growing knowledge in our age, the so-called “information explosion” age, it is becoming more and more impossible to rely just on what we learn during our formal undergraduate and postgraduate programs for our life-long practice. Life-long learning has already been known as an essential skill for all health professionals.

This program provides a conceptual and practical toolkit to current and future oral health professionals to enable them to keep themselves up to date.


What do you learn?

This will provide participants a theoretical basis and practical skills in evidence-based approach, literature search, and critical appraisal in order to better extract, sense and apply the most valid evidences in their routine daily practice.


Who can apply?

  • Clinical dental students (third year and more)
  • Holders of BDS, DDS, MSc, or specialty degree in the field of dental sciences


What are the learning outcomes?

Understand the importance of being up to date and life-long learning

  • Be able to define evidence-based approach
  • Be able to promote daily routine clinical queries to a clear question in PICO (Problem, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) format
  • Be able to effectively and comprehensively search the literature and extract relevant articles
  • Be able to critically appraise the literature, and extract and sense the latest evidences on the subject
  • Be able to find the best available answer to the defined question


Programs on this course

Introduction to evidence-based dentistry (EBD): 2 hours

        -Why being up to date?

        -Steps of EBD

Defining a clear question: 4 hours

        -Various types of clinical questions

        -PICO approach for question definition

        -Interactive workshop

Searching for evidence-based resources:4 hours

        -Introduction to databases

        -Basic and advanced search strategies

        -Use of MeSH to search Medline database

        -Interactive workshop

Critical appraisal of the literature: 8 hours

        -Principles of critical appraisal

        -Classification of epidemiologic studies

        -Standardized reporting guidelines

        -Critical appraisal of cross-sectional studies

        -Critical appraisal of observational studies

        -Critical appraisal of RCTs

        -Critical appraisal of systematic reviews

        -Interactive workshop



Please be notified that only those who attend at least 4 days of the course will be awarded with certificate



Day 1: Introduction to evidence-based dentistry (EBD)

Wednesday, 18.11.2020

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Introduction to the courseProf. Mohammad Reza Khami14:00-14:30
Prof. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar
Why being up to date?Prof. Mohammad Reza Khami14:30-15:00
Steps of EBDProf. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar
From research to scientific publicationProf. Jorma Virtanen15:15-16:30
Interactive workshopProf. Jorma Virtanen16:45-17:45
Q & A17:45-18:00

Day 2: Defining a clear question in EBD

Wednesday, 25.11.2020

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Various types of clinical questionsProf. Saadika Khan14:00-15:00
PICO approach for question definitionProf. Saadika Khan15:15-16:15
Interactive workshopProf. Saadika Khan16:30-17:30
Q & A17:30-18:00

Day 3: Searching for evidence-based resources

Wednesday, 02.12.2020

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Introduction to databasesProf. Mohammad Reza Khami14:00-15:00
Basic and advanced search strategiesProf. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri15:15-15:45
Use of MeSH to search Medline databaseProf. Mohammad Reza Khami15:45-16:30
Interactive workshopProf. Mohammad Reza Khami16:45-17:30
Prof. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri
Q & A17:30-18:00

Day 4: Critical appraisal of the literature- Part 1

Wednesday, 09.12.2020

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Classification of epidemiologic studiesProf. Mohammad Reza Khami14:00-14:30
Principles of critical appraisalProf. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri14:30-15:30
Standardized reporting guidelines
Critical appraisal of cross-sectional and observational studiesProf. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri15:45-16:15
Critical appraisal of RCTsProf. Mohammad Reza Khami16:15-16:45
Interactive workshopProf. Mohammad Reza Khami Prof. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri17:00-17:45
Q & A17:45-18:00

Day 5*: Critical appraisal of the literature- Part 2

Wednesday, 16.12.2020

* Exceptionally from 13:30 to 17:30

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Introduction to various types of reviewsProf. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu13:30-14:30
Critical appraisal of systematic reviews (SRs)Prof. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu14:30-15:30
Risk of bias in RCTsProf. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu15:45-16:45
Prof. Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob
Interactive workshopProf. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu16:45-17:15
Prof. Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob
Q & A17:15-17:30

Day 6: Making sense of evidences

Wednesday, 23.12.2020

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Hierarchy of evidencesProf. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar14:00-15:00
Interpretation of evidencesProf. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri15:00-16:00
Interactive workshopProf. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar16:15-17:15
Prof. Mohammad Reza Khami
Prof. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri
Q & A17:15-17:30
Concluding remarksProf. Mohammad Reza Khami17:30-18:00
Prof. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri


Day 1: Introduction to evidence-based dentistry (EBD)

Wednesday, 18.11.2020


Why being up to date?


Steps of EBD


Day 2: Defining a clear question in EBD

Wednesday, 25.11.2020


Various types of clinical questions


PICO approach for question definition


Day 3: Searching for evidence-based resources

Wednesday, 02.12.2020


Introduction to Databases


Basic & Advanced Search Strategies


Use of MeSH to Search Medline Database


Day 4: Critical appraisal of the literature- Part 1

Wednesday, 09.12.2020


Classification of epidemiologic studies


Principles of critical appraisal and Standardized reporting guidelines


Critical appraisal of cross-sectional and observational studies


Critical appraisal of RCTs


Day 5: Critical appraisal of the literature- Part 2

Wednesday, 16.12.2020


Introduction to various types of reviews and Critical appraisal of systematic reviews (SRs)


Risk of bias in RCTs


Day 6: Making sense of evidences

Wednesday, 23.12.2020


Hierarchy of evidences


Interpretation of evidences


Interactive workshop