visits:3538Last Update At : : 04 March 2020
What are coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some coronaviruses cause illness in humans and others cause illness in animals, such as bats, camels, and civets. Human coronaviruses generally cause mild illness, such as the common cold. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can evolve to infect and spread among humans, causing severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) which emerged in 2002, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) which emerged in 2012.
What is the COVID-19 virus?
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. It was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where it has caused a large and ongoing outbreak. It has since spread more widely in China. Cases have since been identified in several other countries. The COVID-19 virus is closely related to a bat coronavirus. There is much more to learn about how COVID-19 is spread, its severity, and other features associated with the virus; epidemiological and clinical investigations are ongoing. Outbreaks of new coronavirus infections among people are always a public health concern. The situation is evolving rapidly.
How is the virus spread?
Human coronaviruses are spread from someone with confirmed coronavirus to other close contacts with that person through contaminated droplets spread by coughing or sneezing, or by contact with contaminated hands, surfaces or objects. The time between when a person is exposed to the virus and when symptoms first appear is typically 5 to 6 days, although may range from 2 to 14 days. For this reason, people who might have been in contact with a confirmed case are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days. Most COVID-19 cases appear to be spread from people who have symptoms. A small number of people may have been infectious before their symptoms developed.
How long does COVID-19 last on surfaces?
According to the World Health Organization, it is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment). If you think a surface may be infected, clean it with a common household disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself and others. Clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
What are the symptoms?
Patients may have fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and other symptoms. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia with severe acute respiratory distress.
I have travelled to one of the areas at risk of COVID-19. What should I do?
You should monitor for symptoms, practice social distancing – avoid crowds and small gatherings in enclosed spaces, and keep a distance of 1.5 meters between yourself and others when out in public. If you develop symptoms, you must immediately isolate yourself and medical attention. Tell the person when you call that you have been where you have travelled. It is important if you have symptoms you should not go to work, school/university/childcare, the gym, or public areas, and you should not use public transport, taxis, or ride-sharing services. If you need to seek medical care wear a surgical mask if available when attending.
How long does the COVID-19 infection last?
The infection period for the virus will vary from person to person. Mild symptoms in an otherwise healthy individual may resolve over just a few days. Similar to influenza, for an individual with other ongoing health issues, such as a respiratory condition, recovery may take weeks and in severe cases could be potentially fatal.
How is COVID-19 diagnosed?
Infection with COVID-19 is diagnosed by finding evidence of the virus in respiratory samples such as swabs from the back of the nose and throat or fluid from the lungs. Testing for COVID-19 is done in public health laboratories.
What should I do if I come into contact with a person with COVID-19?
If you have been identified as a contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 infection you need to isolate yourself at home for 14 days after contact with the infected person, and to monitor your health and report any symptoms. Person to person spread of coronaviruses generally occurs between people who are close contacts with one another. A close contact is typically someone who has been face to face for at least 15 minutes, or been in the same closed space for at least 2 hours, with a person that was infectious. The public health unit will keep in touch with people who are close contacts of patients with COVID-19 infection. If any symptoms develop contacts must call the public health unit to report those symptoms. If your contact with the person was less than this, there is a much smaller risk of you being infected. However, as a precaution you must still monitor your health until 14 days after you were last exposed to the infectious person.
Who is at risk?
People who have:
People with underlying illnesses that make them more vulnerable to respiratory disease, including those with diabetes, chronic lung disease, kidney failure, people with suppressed immune systems and older people are at a higher risk of serious disease.
How is it prevented?
- Clean your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.
- Should not visit live bird and animal markets, including ‘wet’ markets.
Is there a cure or vaccine?
There are no vaccines that protect against COVID-19.
There is no specific treatment for COVID-19. Early diagnosis and general supportive care are important. Most of the time, symptoms will resolve on their own. People who have serious disease with complications can be cared for in hospital.
How do I get tested for COVID-19?
Testing can be ordered by your GP, or at a hospital emergency department.
How are other coronaviruses tested?
COVID-19 is one kind of coronavirus, but there are other kinds of coronaviruses that have infected people for many years around the world. If you are sick with a respiratory infection (for example you have a cough, runny nose, sore throat or fever), the doctor may order a swab from the back of your nose or throat for testing. Many laboratories will test the swab for several different viruses. This test is called a multiplex viral respiratory panel, which often include tests for these other coronaviruses. These tests currently do not test for COVID-19 and do not indicate whether it is present or absent.
Do face masks protect against COVID-19? Which face masks?
Face masks are not recommended for the general population.
People who have symptoms and might be infected with COVID-19 are required to stay in isolation at home and should wear a surgical face mask when in the same room as another person and when seeking medical advice to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to anyone else.
How the people who have had COVID-19 are no longer infectious?
People with confirmed COVID-19 infection stay in isolation under the care of medical specialists until they are no longer experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 infection. Before they are released from isolation, they have tests to see if they still have COVID-19 and the specialist care team assesses they are no longer infectious. Once they are discharged they have a follow up assessment by the medical team to make sure they remain well.
If I am worried about having COVID-19, can I ask to get tested?
If you develop fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and other symptoms you should see your GP or visit your local Emergency Department to be tested for COVID-19.
There are other illnesses such as Influenza that your GP may wish to test you for that can cause your symptoms.
- National Coronavirus Health Information Line
- NSW Health - Novel coronavirus
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
If you have any questions?
Go to contact us à Fill in the forme à Select your recipient à Ask your question
Do I need to be separate from other people in my home if I am isolating?
Yes. If you are sharing your home with others, you should stay in a different room from other people or be separated as much as possible. Wear a surgical mask when you are in the same room as another person, and when seeking medical care. Make sure that you do not share a room with people who are at risk of severe disease, such as elderly people and those who have heart, lung or kidney conditions, and diabetes. Visitors who do not have an essential need to be in the home should not visit while you are isolating.
How can I access groceries and medicines while in home isolation?
If you need groceries or medicines (including prescription medicines), ask a family member or friend (who is not in isolation) to deliver them to your home or shop for groceries online. To prevent infecting other people, make sure you wear a mask when receiving a delivery or have the groceries left at your door.
When someone has finished 14 days isolation, do they need to see their GP?
If you are well at the end of 14 days self-isolation, you can resume your normal lifestyle.
Where I have to refer if I have the symptoms?
No. |
Province/ City/ Hospital |
Referral Hospital |
Hospitals with Emergency Evacuation Capacity |
1 |
Mashhad (Razavi Khorasan) |
Imam Reza Medical and Educational Center |
2 |
Medical Centers affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences |
3 |
Medical Centers affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences (Tehran City) |
4 |
Alborz |
Imam Ali Educational and Medical Center |
5 |
Qom |
Kamkar Arab Nia Hospital |
6 |
Medical Centers affiliated to Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (Tehran City) |
7 |
Zahidan |
Booali Hospital |
8 |
Fars |
9 |
Isfahan |
Farabi Hospital |
10 |
North Khorasan |
- |
11 |
Zabol (Sistan and Baluchistan) |
Sina Respiratory Disease Hospital |
12 |
Iranshahr (Sistan and Baluchistan) |
Delgan Hospital |
- National Coronavirus Health Information Line
- NSW Health - Novel coronavirus
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What does the office of Vice Dean for Research Affairs do?
This office is to create an optimal environment in which all the research affairs at IC-TUMS (Undergraduate & Postgraduate levels) are carried out and managed based on Long-term Research Programs. In addition, this Deputy is to ensure that the policies of IC-TUMS are carried out according to the Defined Research Policies of TUMS in order to achieve the specified short –term and long- term goals.
When does this office get involved?
This office gets involved once a proposal is submitted.
When can a student submit a proposal to this office?
Students must first complete their educational phase and pass their comprehensive exam (for PhD students) before entering the research phase of their program.
*M.Sc. students have to make sure that their proposal will be approved by the end of the 3rd semester so that thay can graduate in the permissable time period (2-2.5 years).
*Ph.D. students have to make sure that they will choose their supervisor by the end of the 2nd semester. They will also have to pass their comprehensive exam and get their proposals approved by the end of 4th semester.
Is there a time limit for completion of M.Sc. programs?
Yes, there is. The permissable time period for completion of M.Sc. programs is 2 - 2.5 years.
Is there a time limit for completion of Ph.D. programs?
Yes, there is. The permissable time period for completion of Ph.D. programs is 4.5 years.
What need to be submitted to this office in order to start processing a thesis proposal?
In order to commence processing a thesis proposal, this office needs the following documents:
> a completed Proposal Submission Form signed by the supervisor,
> an approval letter from the related department,
> an approval letter from the Postgraduate Council of the related school,
In addition, the student must register at PAJOOHESHYAR SYSTEM to submit the proposal electronically .
What need to be submitted to this office in order to start processing a non-thesis proposal?
In order to commence processing a thesis proposal, this office needs the following documents:
> a completed Proposal Submission Form signed by the project manager,
> an approval letter from the related department,
> an approval letter from the Research Council of the related school,
In addition, the project manager must register at PAJOOHESHYAR SYSTEM to submit the proposal electronically.
In what language may I submit my proposal?
International students are required to submit their proposal in English.
Is there a proposal submission form in English?
Yes, there is. You can find the form in the following link and download it,
What is the Pajooheshyar System?
It is a proposal registration system. All of the IC-TUMS thesis and non-thesis research proposals must be registered in this system as well as submitting a hard copy of the completed Proposal Submission Form.
Who registers a proposal in the Pajooheshyar System?
Thesis research proposals must be registered in the system by students whereas non-thesis research proposals must be registered in the system by the project managers.
Is there any research funding available?
Yes, there is. IC-TUMS will provide/assign funding to the research projects which have been approved by the IC-TUMS Research Council.
How much is the maximum funding available for M.Sc. theses?
Maximum amount is 25,000,000 Rials.
How much is the maximum funding available for Ph.D. theses?
Maximum amount is 75,000,000 Rials.
What if the required budget of a student proposal exceeds the above amount?
In order to get higher amounts for student theses, proposals must be submitted as research projects by the supervisor. This kind of proposals will go through a further and longer process (which may not be favorable to some students who are anxious to start their research as quickly as possible).
Why does processing a research project (with higher budget) take more time?
According to the TUMS Research Guideline, the research proposals which are asking for higher funding must be evaluated and approved by the TUMS Ranking Committee after they are approved by the related department and the Research Council of the related school, and that makes the process longer.
Who gets and spends the approved research funding?
The funding is paid directly to the project manager (supervisor) following a contract which is signed between IC-TUMS and the project manager. Then, the project manager spends the funding according to the proposal budget table.
When to apply?
TUMS enjoys a rolling application system. Students are able to apply at any time. Our fall semester starts late September, and our spring semester starts late January.
How to apply?
You can apply by visiting our website and completing the online application form. The online application form can be accessed from the link below:
What will happen after I submit my application?
In case you submit all the required documents, your application will be processed by two committees, and you will be informed of our decision in a period of 6-8 weeks. In case there are missing documents in your application, our colleagues will contact you and ask for the missing documents.
What are the requirements for admission?
You can find all admission requirements in the following webpages:
Who is eligible to apply?
With the exception of the following two groups, anyone who has at least finished high school and meets our admission requirements can apply to TUMS:
- Native Iranians: Individuals who possess an Iranian passport
- Iranians with Dual Citizenships: Iranians who possess dual citizenship, i.e. they have an Iranian passport as well as that of another country
Iranian applicants who possess an Iranian passport must take the Nation-Wide University Entrance Examination (known as Konkoor) and achieve the necessary ranking in order to be eligible for being admitted to TUMS.
How much is the tuition fee?
Tuition fee at TUMS varies between levels and certain majors. Follow the link below to find the tuition fee of your intended major and level:
How and when should I pay tuition fee?
Students are required to pay the annual tuition fees in U.S. dollars, in cash, and at the time of registration.
Who should sign my Letters of Recommendation?
Letters of Recommendation should are highly significant documents in the application process, and you should invest in them as they can be quite influential in your admission.
Individuals who have a good deal of knowledge regarding your abilities, personality, achievements and potentials, and with whom you have had a high level of interaction during your previous academic or professional career, can be suitable for writing and signing your letters of recommendation. These individuals include previous professors and instructors, thesis/dissertation supervisors, dean of school/faculty etc.
Some of my documents are not ready. Should I wait until I get them to send my application?
In order to avoid wasting time, the TUMS Application System allows the applicants to fill out the application form to a certain level and, if need be, continue the application process at a later time. You can submit the documents that are currently ready and send the other required documents at a later time.
When will the final decision be announced?
It takes around 6-8 weeks for the admission committee to process your application and announce its decision.
Why has my application been denied?
TUMS accepts its students based on academic excellence and potential for academic and professional development. Therefore, factors such as relevance of your previous degree, previous academic records, professional capabilities etc. can be influential elements in the final decision regarding your application. The admission procedure is the responsibility of two committees. After your documents are evaluated and accepted in our first committee, the International Campus Preliminary Review Council, your application is presented in the International Students Admission Committee, and the final decision will be announced within one to four months.
I order to check the admission requirements at TUMS, please click on the link below:
I have applied for one major. Can I apply for another major?
You can send us a new Letter of Motivation requesting the change. There is no need to fill out the online application form again from the beginning. In order to find more information about writing a letter of motivation, please visit the webpage below:
May I appeal my admission decision or ask to have the decision explained?
There is no need to apply again. In order to have your application processed again, you should write a new letter of application specifying your new major and level of interest.
How much time do I have for accepting or declining an admission offer?
Your letter of acceptance is valid for one year.
Please bear in mind that it takes about 6-8 weeks to process your entry Visa. Our fall semester starts late September, and the spring semester stars late January. We need your timely response to process your visa.
Please follow the link below to receive and fill out your Visa Study Form:
How do I accept the offer of admission?
In order to accept our offer of admission, reply to our reply and attach a completed Visa Study Form. In order to receive and complete the form, follow the link below:
How and when will I be informed about my acceptance?
In case your documents are complete, it will take around 6-8 weeks to process your application. You will receive an email with official letters attached.
You have sent my letter of acceptance and Visa Study Form. What should I do next?
Please complete the form carefully and send it back to us so that we can process your student entry visa. Firstly, you will receive a visa number by which you can receive your entry visa (educational visa – type E) from the Iranian embassy/consulate which you have written on your form. After you arrival, our colleagues will help you to convert your entry visa (educational visa – type E) to a long-term student visa.
I have sent you my Visa Study Form. What will happen next?
We will process your Visa application and submit it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As soon as they issue your visa number, we will inform you. It takes about 6-8 weeks for your visa number to be issued.
How long does a visa procedure take?
On average, it takes about 6-8 weeks.
What should I do when I receive my visa Number?
Once you receive your visa number, you need to collect your visa. In order to do so, together with your passport and your visa number, visit the Iranian embassy/consulate which you mentioned in your Visa Study Form. You can find the addresses of Iranian embassies and consulates via the link below:
What should I do when I receive my visa number?
Once you receive your visa number, you need to collect your visa. In order to do so, together with your passport and your visa number, visit the Iranian embassy/consulate which you mentioned in your Visa Study Form. You can find the addresses of Iranian embassies and consulates via the link below:
What should I pack?
As airlines will charge you for any luggage exceeding their weight limit (please check such limits with your airline), do not bring excessive luggage with you. TUMS campus is located in the center of Tehran, and you will be able to buy almost everything from the nearby shops.
In terms of weather, Tehran is a four-season metropolis: You are likely to experience mild climate during spring and fall, hot and dry weather during summer and snowy cold weather in winter. If you plan to arrive at Tehran between mid-November to February, make sure you have suitable warm clothes and proper shoes for the snow. If you plan to live in the university’s dormitories, you do not need to pack certain items such as an iron. Moreover, do not overload your luggage with heavy books. You can find most of the books in various libraries within and outside the campus; you can also have eBooks on your USB flash drive or other electronic devices.
I am not arriving via air travel. What should I do?
If you are entering Tehran via other means of transportation, such as bus or train, make all possible efforts to contact the Directorate of International Affairs and Development at TUMS osa-gsia@tums.ac.ir. You should inform us of your expected date of arrival in Tehran, so that we can make prior arrangements for your stay at the university’s dormitories.
What should I do when I get to the airport in Tehran?
You should send us a copy of your ticket approximately 5 days prior to your arrival. We will schedule for a representative to greet you at the airport in Tehran.
Where am I supposed to go for registration?
Students' registration process takes place in the Directorate for International Affairs and Development, Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, at the address below:
Ground floor, Number 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 14167-53955, Iran
Tel: (+98 21) 88 91 20 90 - 3
(+98 21) 88 89 66 95
Fax: (+98 21) 88 89 85 32
How and when should I pay my tuition fee?
You must pay your tuition fee by cash in U.S. dollars. The Office of Financial Affairs, at Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, will receive your tuition. If a sponsor is paying your fees, you should bring with you a letter from your funding organization. You will need to deposit the entire tuition fee for the first year of your studies at the time of registration in order for the registration process to be complete. Therefore, please make any necessary prior arrangements for this issue.
How can I extend my entry visa?
After finishing the registration process, you will be accompanied by the university’s Consular Affairs and Visa Specialist to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to process your one-year student visa. You will need to have your passport, 3 photos, and 250,000 Iranian Rials.
Where can I learn the Persian Language and how much does it cost?
For internatioanl students who are awarded type B or C scholarships, TUMS will cover the costs of Persian/Farsi classes at Dehkhoda Institute. All students who are required to attend Persian classes as part of their course requirements need to arrive one semester prior to the beginning of their university classes in order to take part in their Persian classes. Other applicants who are interested in learning Persian can attend theses language classes prior or during their university studies.
Does TUMS have a handbook providing the necessary information for students?
Yes, the TUMS Prospectus is published annually which contains various types of information regarding Iran, Tehran, the University and all TUMS Schools.
Are emergency withdrawal and course withdrawal subject to payment of fees?
Yes. Emergency withdrawal and course withdrawal, leading to withdrawal of the academic semester, even if it is evidenced by doctor’s certificate or exit from the country and student’s failure to complete the academic semester due to justifiable reasons, approved by the Department of Academics, will be subject to payment of university fees and the amounts paid will not be refunded.
Should the student pay fee in case of an academic leave?
Yes. Students who apply for academic leave (including medical and non-medical leaves), when their request has been approved by the Deputy Office of Academics of the Campus, are required to pay fixed fee for any academic semester, which is located within his/her leave period.
How is university fee calculated for a withdrawing student?
In all academic levels, withdrawal at any time from the first year of study, shall be subject to payment of the annual educational fee (for two semesters) without calculating any educational scholarship (even the scholarships granted due to special/unusual conditions such as the corona virus pandemic) and the amount paid by the student will not be refunded.
In other academic years, during the academic semester in which the international student withdraws from education, the received educational fee will not be refunded and in case the fees for subsequent semesters have been paid, the surplus of payment will be refunded to the student.
Those students who enjoy educational scholarship (any scholarship granted due to special/unusual conditions such as the corona virus pandemic), in case of their withdrawal, the scholarship of their withdrawal semester will be eliminated and the students are required to pay the educational fee for the semester in which they have withdrawn. Regarding those students who are subject to the provisions of Note 5, the decision will be made in the Committee for Award of Scholarship in proportion to their study period.
Note: In case the admitted applicant withdraws from education before starting the first semester and first classes, the educational fee for one semester, without calculating any educational scholarship, will not be refunded to him/her (even the scholarships granted due to special/unusual conditions such as the corona virus pandemic), the surplus of payment will be refunded to the student.
Is the expelled student required to pay penalty?
In all academic levels, expulsion at any time since the first year of study, shall be subject to payment of annual educational fee (for two semesters) without calculating any educational scholarship (even the scholarships granted due to special/unusual conditions such as the corona virus pandemic) and the amount paid by the student will not be refunded. In other academic years, in case of expulsion, the scholarship for the student’s expulsion semester will be cancelled and the students are required to pay the fee for the academic semester during the expulsion.
Is the scholarship for students who apply for changing their level/field of study, cancelled from the previous level?
A student who applies for changing his/her level/field of study, considering the requirement for completion of withdrawal from the first level/field of study, is considered as a withdrawn student and Committee for Award of Scholarship to International Students will make decision regarding the second field/level of study.
How are the semesters in which the student is waiting to take part in the basic science comprehensive exam (semesters with no course credits) calculated?
PhD students who have passed the test stages including basic sciences comprehensive exams and pre-internship exams, are required to pay fixed fees without applying the scholarship (for students eligible for educational scholarships).
How are the fees calculated for those semesters in which the student is suspended?
Suspended students (suspension due to disciplinary and educational reasons) are required to pay the fixed fee of those numbers of academic semesters during suspension period without implementing the scholarship (for students eligible for educational scholarship).
Should the students pay fees for articulated courses?
Yes. Educational fee for course credits that are sent to and confirmed by the Academic Departments for articulation will be one percent of annual fee per each course credit in PhD programs and will be according to the fee rates in the same academic (current) year and for other levels, it will be two percent of the afore-mentioned fee. In case the course grades sent to the concerned department will not be accepted, 50% of the said fee will be also received. It is obvious that the educational scholarship does not apply to the aforementioned course credits.
Should any fee be paid for re-exam of any course credit?
Yes. Educational fee of course credits with which the request for re-exam has been agreed, will be received according to the fee rates for educational fees.
Should the student who has applied for transfer to other universities, pay separate fees?
No. Students are required to pay the educational fee up to the academic semester at the time of transfer. Scholarship regulations for these students shall be similar to those of withdrawal from education and for the eligible students, the related scholarship will be revoked.
How is the university fee calculated for guest student to International Campus?
The university fee for guest students will be received based to the agreement made between the university of origin and university of destination and in case there is no agreement between the two universities, the university fee for each semester will be received at the time the student becomes a guest, according to the university pattern for students of International Campus.
How is the university fee calculated for guest student from International Campus?
For one academic semester, payment of fixed fee without applying the educational scholarship (for student’s eligible for educational scholarship) is mandatory at the approved year for the same year.
Is payment by installments of educational fee possible?
Regarding the payment of annual fee, all students are required to pay their fees at the beginning of each academic year. In case the student cannot afford to pay the university fees, he/she can pay the annual fees in two phases and each payment must be made before going through the credit selection process in the academic semester.
which currency is accepted?
U.S. dollars and euros are accepted.
Your money should not have any color spot, stamps, tears, holes, or writings on it.
Damage to security features - for example, if the $ 100 3D security ribbon is lost can also destroy the bill, and us dollars printed after 2013 are accepted.
How to deposit money in Tehran?
From January 1, 2023, all international students only have to pay tuition fees at the Meli Bank of the university branch.
• Please ensure that you quote your student's full name, passport number and 10-digit student ID number and details of what is being paid on the payment receipt or we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account.
• After payment, students are required to submit their receipts to the financial office and get the new receipt registered in SIPAD from the financial affairs.
• It is necessary to have FIDA Code (FARAGIR Code) to perform banking operations.
• It is mandatory to have a passport with you to deposit money in the bank.
• Bank working hours are from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM and the account information is as follows:
Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Bank name: Bank Meli Iran
Bank address: NO.1292, ENGHELAB Ave
Account No: 20087700421
How to Pay?
Suggested ways to transfer money
Sending money by a number of students through the following methods has been successful. It is worth mentioning that the student will be responsible for transferring money through the following methods.
1- money transfer using exchange
• From Iraq and Lebanon:
Sending transfer request to Safir Office via WhatsApp (009647732409233), Mr. Hayder Al-Tamimi (009647711595066) or Mr. Abu Zahraa (009647732409277).
From other countries:
Sending transfer request to Mr. Ghodsian via WhatsApp (00971561882820)
Sending transfer receipt to Dr. Abdullah Hosseini via WhatsApp
• Sending transfer request picture, passport number and 10-digit student number,
level and major to office of financial affairs via WhatsApp (00989038308008) and
email fin-office@tums.ac.ir, Otherwise we will be unable to allocate your payment
to your student account.
Not: Due to the difference in the transfer rate based on the country of origin, for
information on the commission rate, please ask exchange. It is worth mentioning
that transfer commission is upon students.
2- money transfer using cryptocurrency
• Sending transfer request to Mr. Ghodsian via WhatsApp (00971528601800)
• Sending transfer receipt, passport number and 10-digit student number, level and major to office of financial affairs via WhatsApp (00989038308008) and email fin-office@tums.ac.ir , Otherwise we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account .
• Transfer commission is upon students.
Those students who can pay through the foreign exchange branches of Iranian Banks
Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Bank name: Bank Melli Iran
Bank address: NO.1292, Enghelab Ave
Account No: 20087700421
Please note
• Students must not make payments to the university’s bank account without the sender bank’s prior approval. Because of economic sanctions, your payments may not be transferred. Discuss this with your bank beforehand for further information. It is worth mentioning that the university will not have any obligation for the blocked funds.
• Please ensure that you quote your passport number and 10-digit student number and details of what is being paid on the payment receipt or we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account.
• Sending transfer receipt to office of financial affairs is necessary.
Deposit money in Tehran
From January 1, 2023, all international students only have to pay tuition fees at the Meli Bank of the university branch.
• Please ensure that you quote your student's full name, passport number and 10-digit student ID number and details of what is being paid on the payment receipt or we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account.
• After payment, students are required to submit their receipts to the financial office and get the new receipt registered in SIPAD from the financial affairs.
• It is necessary to have FIDA Code (FARAGIR Code) to perform banking
• It is mandatory to have a passport with you to deposit money in the bank.
• Bank working hours are from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM and the account
information is as follows:
Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Bank name: Bank Meli Iran
Bank address: NO.1292, ENGHELAB Ave
Account No: 20087700421
Bank address: NO.33, Keshavarz Blvd
Keshavarz Blvd
Bank address: NO.1292, ENGHELAB Ave
What is the COVID-19 virus?
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. It was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where it has caused a large and ongoing outbreak. It has since spread more widely in China. Cases have since been identified in several other countries. The COVID-19 virus is closely related to a bat coronavirus. There is much more to learn about how COVID-19 is spread, its severity, and other features associated with the virus; epidemiological and clinical investigations are ongoing. Outbreaks of new coronavirus infections among people are always a public health concern. The situation is evolving rapidly.
- National Coronavirus Health Information Line
- NSW Health - Novel coronavirus
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention