Research Center for Molecular and Cellular Imaging

Brief Overview

Research Center for Molecular and Cellular Imaging (RCMCI) is the first research center in applied science and technology in medical imaging, affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). RCMCI was established in 2010 in Imam Khomeini hospital, the largest clinical complex in Iran, aiming for the detection of structural and functional alterations in diseases at molecular and cellular levels. The main purpose for its establishment of RCMCI was to develop medical imaging technologies, invent and apply modern and cutting edge imaging, image reconstruction, and modeling methods, and design and develop related devices and systems, according to the domestic needs. RCMCI provides fundamental infrastructures for systematic collaborations between engineering, technology, research, medicine, and clinics in a common academic and research area. This common collaboration is oriented with the directions of RCMCI policies, which guarantees growing in research quality and fulfilling the national and international ethical considerations and mandatory standards for development of associated technologies in the field of molecular and cellular imaging. The main activity of RCMCI include research, training, and providing technical services in medical imaging, based on which, the deputy of research and deputy of academic affairs were assigned and in charge of the main masterly and professional activities at RCMCI.

Currently, the following research groups are involved in conducting the research projects and developing medical devices and technologies at RCMCI:

  • Medical Imaging
  • Quantitative MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
  • Biomarker Imaging and Analysis
  • Brain Imaging and analysis
  • Optic Imaging
  • Advanced X-Ray Systems

Based on domestic needs and demands in medical imaging industry, it is expected to expand the research area and establish new research groups in a near future.



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Being dedicated to advance the research level and find the resolutions for challenging dynamic issues in the field of medical imaging, RCMCI is moving forward towards becoming one of the most influential national and international scientific institutions. Considering these aims, development of programs concentrating on both basic and clinical research remains the main strategic action plan for the future. This strategic plan, delineates the RCMCI aims for the next 5 years to achieve a leading pioneer in medical imaging across the country.





  1. Closing the innovation chain of science, research, technology, production, and utilization towards healthcare improvement in the field of molecular and cellular imaging
  2. Development of science and technology in prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases
  3. Training expert human resource from outstanding researchers in medical imaging field
  4. Establishing active and effective relationship with national and international academic communities to enrich the scientific level of RCMCI staffs
  5. Obtaining research opportunities and financial supports to improve the RCMCI performance level.



Contact Us


Address:       Research Center for Biomedical Technologies and Robotics, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Keshavarz Blvd, Tehran, Iran 
Tel:                                     + 98 21 66581505          

Fax:                                   + 98 21 66438630        

Po. box:                             14185-615 


Last Update At : 09 July 2019