Community - based Participatory Research Center

Brief Overview
Community-based participatory research approach relying on a bottom up approach aims to fill the equity gap and achieve a fair distribution of resources and power among different stakeholders through providing solutions for encouraging participation and involvement of community and other stakeholders in public, private and non-governmental sectors, establishing a balance of power between the partners, empowering vulnerable groups to control over social determinants of health and establishing healthy public policies.


Message from Dean
Community based Participatory Research Center (CBPRC) was established in 2007 to provide the necessary requirements to do health research "with the community" not "on the community", and to make the research topics more and more compatible with the real needs of the society. Improvement of collective decision making of different stakeholders in the research process; developing indigenous methods and techniques of participatory research in order to increase the required capacity for identification, prioritization, designing and implementing multi-level interventions for health issues among the people, academicians and institutions; improving equity in health research, people's participation and inter-sector collaboration to tackle social detenninants of health are among the main goals of the CBPRC. The leadership role of CBPR center during more than one decade of operations in guiding methodology for encouraging participation of community and entities has led various sections influencing health, such as Housing and Urban Development, municipality, police, welfare,
education, employment and poverty alleviation agencies throughout the country, to propose projects predicted for realizing equity and social development in their strategic plans to be piloted through this center in order to specify practical steps for implementation. Issues that have always been topics of interest and belief for the center are including: How health along with housing, employment and other determinants in different layers and levels is viewed by various stakeholders, whether it has been received any effective multidimensional intervention and if there a systemic evaluation is conducted. However, academics have always paid little attention to such issues due to field work difficulties and non-compliance of achievements with the current evaluation, promotion and tenure frameworks of universities.



Community-based Participatory Research Center is first of all committed to community empowerment, so that the residents are enabled and are given the capacity to detect and analyze their health problems and needs and to find feasible solutions for them. This initiative consists of participatory educational packages that teach certain personal skill and coping strategies to the participants. Second, CBPRC has intended to provide the appropriate enabling environment for capacity building, which requires commitment of stakeholders and extensive inter-sectoral collaboration. Both initiatives are intended to be done with vast participation of the people in the design, implementation and evaluation of the process. The results of both initiatives are intended to be generalized to the whole society.



The outlook of the Community based Participatory Research Center is to devise original methods for community health promotion with community participation towards human development, and to disseminate the results to people, headquarters of governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and academicians.



Research Fields and Interests
  • Community participation
  • Community empowerment
  • Equity
  • Intersectoral collaboration
  • Social capital
  • Health literacy
  • Risky behaviors
  • Intersectionality
  • Social mobilization
  • Participatory prioritization
  • Assessment of needs, producing qualitative and qualitative data
  • Capacity building in local community
  • Narrative Inquiries and Ethnographies in Health Settings and Issues
  • Participatory Visual Methodologies & Digital Game in Health Education and Promotion
  • Intersectional-Participatory Evaluation of Health Interventions
  • Designing participatory intervention programs and performing them
  • Skills of working with community (negotiation, facilitation, leadership, ... )
  • Designing an extensive intervention program and performing it
  • Preparation of electronic educational packages according to the target groups' need
  • Participatory research cooperation with other organizations such as police, municipality and other research centers in the form of monitoring and evaluation of performing projects
  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and social network




International Collaborations
  • "UK-Iran Researcher Links Workshop: global health" was held by Tehran University of Medical Sciences; University College London; University of Edinburgh in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Kish Island, Iran na related article published in THE LANCET available at: https ://www. the lancet. com/j oumals/lancet/ article/PIISO 140-6736(16)0063 0-9 /full text
  • Mitigating the impact of drug use and high risky behaviors in the infonnal settlements of the cities of Bandar Abbas, Kermanshah and Zahedan (Urban Upgrading and Housing Reform Program funded by Housing Ministry & World Bank)
  • Developing a Public Health Guideline for improving the youth physical activity considering communication strategy concept (funded by UNICEF) http ://;year=2018;volume=9;issue=l;sp age= 10; epage= 10 ;aulast= Raj abi
  • Malaria Program Review in Islamic Republic of Iran (funded by WHO) The article is available at:
  • A survey on ownership and utilization of LLIN and KAP study on households in high risk malaria areas in Iran (funded by WH 0)
  • Assessment of policy actors in community-based programs of drug misuse (funded by WHO)
  • Preparing computer based participatory educational package on reproductive health for adolescents (funded by WHO)
  • Women's neighborhood groups: towards a community based perspective to eradication of unemployment (funded by WHO)
  • Reducing drug abuse among students through increasing knowledge and changing attitude towards it through a participatory educational school based program in zone 17 of Tehran (funded by WHO)
  • Developing a comprehensive intervention plan towards reducing aggressive behaviors in adolescent in guidance schools of zone 17 in Tehran (funded by WHO)
  • Preparing an Educational Package to Reduce Violence toward Women in Zone 17 in Tehran (funded by WHO)
  • Developing child abuse prevention team of stakeholders: a participatory approach to reduce child abuse (funded by WHO)



Degree and Non-Degree programs offered by Research Center
  • PhD by research program
  • Educational workshops on community based participatory research methods



Faculty Me1nbers of Research Center
  • Head: Dr. Reza Majdzadeh; Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics,,
  • Research Deputy: Dr. Fatemeh Rajabi; Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, https ://www file/F atemeh Raj abi3
  • Executive Manager: Dr. Ensiyeh Jamshidi~ Assistant Professor, Health Education and Promotion, Ensiyeh j https ://www file/Ensiyeh J amshidi


  • Research council:
  1. Dr. Reza Majdzadeh, https ://www file/Reza Maj dzadeh
  2. Dr. Fatemeh Rajabi, https ://www file/F atemeh Raj abi3
  3. Dr. Ensiyeh Jamshidi, Ensiyeh https ://www file/Ensiyeh J amshidi
  4. Dr. Hasan Eftekhar-Ardebili,
  5. Dr. Alipasha Meysamie,
  6. Dr. Azadeh Sayarifard, https ://www file/ Azad eh Sayarifard
  7. Dr. Laleh Ghadirian, https ://www file/Lal eh Ghadirian
  8. Dr. Effat Sadat Merghati-Khoei, Effat https ://www scientificcontributions/ 2120765350 Effat Merghati Khoie
  9. Dr. Shahzad Pashaeipour,
  10. Dr. Narges Rostami-Gooran, https ://www file/N arges Rostamigooran



Selected Publications of Research Center
  • Assessing social capital of Tehran population through "Social Capital - Integrate Questionnaire" standardization The article is available at: https :// op=view citation&hl=en&user=KYAis6sAAAAJ &cstart=60&sortby=pubdate&ci ta ti on for view= KY Ais6sAAAAJ: iH-uZ7U-co4C
  • Assessing effectiveness of a participatory intervention package for preparation of people against earthquake The article is available at:
  • Studying associates of inequality in self-rated health in an Iranian community: systems thinking approach The first article available is at: The second article available at: https ://jech.bmj .com/content/66/6/495 .long
  • Women's sexual and reproductive health care needs assessment: An Iranian perspective. WHO's East Mediterranean Health Journal 24 (7):637- 643. The article is available at
  • Developing and assessing the effectiveness of communication program on intersectoral collaboration of Malaria Elimination Program stakeholders in Iran, Malaria Journal. 2019; 18: 1. The article is available at: l 7246/



Contact Us

Address: Unit 9, 7th floor, Num.1547, Universitiy Research Institutes Building, North Karegar St, Tehran, Iran.

Tel:  (021) 88995879

Fax: (021) 88995880               


Last Update At : 13 July 2019