Iranian Non-resident Researchers and Scientists



In pursuit of the long-term goals of the country's scientific vision and the use of scientific resources of non-resident Iranian specialists and researchers, the "Office of Cooperation with Non-Resident Iranian Scientists" is intended to support the pursuit of scientific and research candidates such as post-doctoral fellows, Students, professors, and define short-term and long-term technology projects, and hold in specialized lectures and workshops for effective communication with non-resident Iranian researchers in the management of academic exchanges and training missions at the university's international deputy.

Iranian experts and researchers can enter the site at, and by choosing the Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the fields of cooperation, after reviewing the presidential elite affairs, the profile is sent to the "Office of Cooperation with Non-Residents of Iranian Experts and Researchers". Requests are submitted to the University for feedback on graduation and cooperation.

non-resident Iranian specialists Instruction

non-resident Iranian specialists form

non-residents Iraninan Specialists Report


Last Update At : 13 July 2019