Occupational Sleep Research Center

Message from Dean
Sleep medicine is an evolving field of science. This center with qualified trained faculty and staff is an outstanding sleep research center in the region that conducts multiple national and international research projects.



Brief Overview
Occupational Sleep Research Center (OSRC) is an integrated, multi-disciplinaiy center encompassing research, training, and clinical care. OSRC is established by Dr. Khosro Sadeghniiat-Haghighi at Baharloo hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in 2013. OSRC in collaboration with TUMS as the largest and oldest medical university of the country provides an appropriate platfonn for scientific activities in sleep medicine. OSRC also publishes Journal of sleep sciences in English.




The aims of OSRC are to promote sleep knowledge and provide research programs for investigators. OSRC has talent experts, integrated infrastrncture, and resources of TUMS and sleep clinic of Baharloo hospital to offer unique multidisciplinaiy research and training opportunities for researchers and clinicians, to supp01t collaborative research initiatives with investigators from a wide range of disciplines including occupational medicine, pulmonology, otolaiyngology, biochemistry, psychiat1y, neurology, physiology, genetics, immunology.



The research vision of OSRC is to become a leading center in sleep and occupational sleep medicine by means of im1ovative and collaborative research using knowledgeable faculties and approp1iate equipment.



Research Fields and Interests
Sleep medicine in different aspects of prevention, treatrnent and diagnosis, offering degree and non-degree training programs.



International Collaborations
Collaboration with Lausanne University in the field of Narcolepsy



Degree and Non-Degree programs
Fellowship of Sleep Medicine, Short training course for sleep technicians



Faculty Members

Dr. Khosro Sadeghniiat: sadeghniiat@yahoo.com
Dr. Arezu Najafi, : najafeeaz@gmail.com
Dr. ZahraBanafsheh Alemmohammad: zahra_572l@yahoo.com
Dr. Shahriar Nafissi: nafisi@sina.tums.ac.ir
Dr. Abolfazl Golestani: golsetan@sina.tums.ac.ir
Dr. Omid Aminian: oaminian@sina.tums.ac.ir
Dr. Amin Amali: a_amali@sina.tums.ac.ir
Dr. Alireza Imani: aimani@sina.nuns.ac.ir
Dr. Esmaeil Shahsavand Ananloo: esmaeilshahsavand@gmail.com
Dr. Shaluyar Behzad Basirat: sh.b.basirat@gmail.com
Dr. Abbas Shakoori: shakooria@sina.nuns.ac.ir
Dr. Maiyam Hosseinali Izad: izadm@sina.tums.ac.ir
Dr. Seyed Majid Moosavy Movahhed: moosavimovahed@gmail.com
Dr. Samaneh Akbaipour: akbaipour62@yahoo.com



Citation Articles Row
28 The Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Translation and validation study of the Iranian version 1
20 The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial 2
18 Sleep quality and insomnia in nurses with different circadian chronotypes: Morningness and eveningness orientation 3
14 Slow oscillating transcranial direct current stimulation during sleep has a sleep-stabilizing effect in chronic insomnia : A pilot study 4
14 Efficacy and hypnotic effects of melatonin in shift-work nurses: Double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial 5
12 A new system for driver drowsiness and distraction detection 6



Contact Us

Address: Occupational Sleep Research Center, Baharloo Hospital, Behdari Sq, Rah Ahan Sq, Tehran, Iran.

Tel: 02155460184

Email: Osrc@tums.ac.ir


Last Update At : 14 July 2019