Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center

 Brief Overview
In November 2009, The Nursing & Midwifery Care Research Center (NMCRC) was established as an affiliated body of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The aim of the NMCRC is to develop, promote and apply studies in the provision of nursing and midwifery care to enhance the quality of care. The "Nursing Practice Today" is the NMCRC official scientific journal which been published quarterly since 2014 in pursuit of the Center's goals.


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 Director's Message
The Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center (NMCRC) is dedicated to providing resources that faculty, students, practicing nurse and researchers need to advance nursing and midwifery care. After a decade of activity in research and innovation, NMCRC consistently improved its rank in the national annual evaluations conducted by the ministry of health. We also inspire to maintain strong partnerships with nursing research centers around the world through our shared vision for providing empirical evidence for excellence in nursing and midwifery care.














Mission &  Vision
  • The NMCRC is established to fund research proposals incorporating in improving nursing and midwifery care.
  • This research center is trying to facilitate producing and disseminating research-based evidence for better nursing and midwifery care.



 International Collaborations
Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center has recently commenced its international activities.  A project of a faculty member of the center, Azam Rahmani, was approved in Swiss Seed Money Grant 2018.  This project is about “development and psychometric properties assessment of the sexual quality of life scale during postpartum” and is running based on a joint project. Two phases have been considered for this project, item generation applying qualitative research and literature review for the first phase and assessing psychometric properties of the questionnaire for the second phase of the study. The first phase has been completed and the second phase of the project is running. In the first phase, 24 Iranian mothers and 13 Swiss mothers have been interviewed; initially, an item pool consisting of 180 primary items were extracted.  Finally, a questionnaire with 66 items prepared for the second phase of the study.













Degree and Non-Degree programs 
1. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) by research program is offered by NMCRC in the field of nursing and midwifery. This program is the highest level of higher education which results in the acquisition of a degree and aims to train individuals in advanced research. Studying at this program will be full-time.
2. Post-doctorate: 
A postdoc is a temporary position that allows a Ph.D. to continue their training as a researcher and gain skills and experience that will prepare them for their academic career.  In line with this definition, NMCRC has established a postdoctoral program to recruit highly motivated and energetic persons with Ph.D. in nursing and midwifery care. 


 Faculty Members

Dr. Maryam Damghanian

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1. Reproductive Health Rights

2. Socioeconomic inequality in health consequences

3. Gynecology disorders

Contact information



Dr. Nahid Dehghan Nayeri

Academic Rank

Full Professor

Research Interests

1. Qualitative & Mixed Method methodologies

2. Nursing management

3. Evidence-based practice

4. critical and cardiac nursing care

Contact information,



Dr. Maryam Esmaeili

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

1. Evidence-based Practice

2. Critical Care Nursing

3. Patient-centered care

Contact information



Dr. Masoomeh Imanipour

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1.Intensive Care

2.Medical Education

3.Ethics in teaching and nursing

Contact information



Dr. Razieyh Maasoumi

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1. Sexual health, Sex Education, Sexual Counseling, Sexual Dysfunction, Sex and Disability

2. Reproductive Health focused on the Life Course Approach

3. Clinical Education in Midwifery, Midwifery Care, Spiritual Midwifery

Contact information,


Dr. Maryam Modarres

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1. Application of pain relief methods in mothers and infants

2. Use of various educational methods to promote women's health

3. Complementary medicine and herbal therapy in midwifery

Contact information



Dr. Reza Negarandeh

Academic Rank

Full  Professor

Research Interests

1. Community-Based Nursing: Self-Care in Chronic Diseases

2. Health Promotion & Patient Education

3.Professional Nursing: Nursing Ethics, Patient Advocacy, etc.

Contact information



Dr. Azam Rahmani

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1.Sexual health

2.Reproductive health

3.Herbal medicine

Contact information



Dr. Leyla Sayadi

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests


2. Intensive care unit

3. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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Dr. Afzal Shamsi

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests


Contact information



Dr. Ziba Taghizadeh

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

1.Socio-Mental in Reproductive Health and MISP in Disaster

Contact information



Dr. Fatemeh Vasegh Rahimparvar

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1. Midwifery competencies

2. Reproductive health

3. medical disease in women

5. midwifery ethics

Contact information



Dr. Mitra Zolfaghari

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

1. E-learning: Distance learning - blended learning

2. Alternative Medicine: Therapeutic Touch - Relaxation- holistic therapy

3. Action research

Contact information



Mrs. Fatameh Rahimikian

Academic Rank


Research Interests

1. Complementary Therapy & Herbal Medicine

2. Physiologic Labor and its Satisfaction

3. Educational Models and Methods

Contact information




Selected Publications
•    Fatehi S, Maasoumi R, Atashsokhan G, Hamidzadeh A, Janbabaei G, Mirrezaie SM. The effects of psychosexual counseling on sexual quality of life and function in Iranian breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Breast cancer research and treatment. 2019.
•    Adib M, Esmaeili M, Zakerimoghadam M, Nayeri ND. Barriers to help-seeking for elder abuse: a qualitative study of older adults. Geriatric nursing. 2019.
•    Damghanian M, Pakgohar M, Tavousi M, Dehghan Nayeri N, Najafi M, Kharaghani R, Broome B, Ghanbari Z. Psychometric analysis of the Broome pelvic floor muscle exercise self-efficacy scale in women with urinary incontinence. Journal of Hayat. 2018.
•    Rahimikian F, Rahimi R, Golzareh P, Bekhradi R, Mehran A. Effect of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel) on menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Menopause. 2017.
•    Badiei M, Gharib M, Zolfaghari M, Mojtahedzadeh R. Comparing nurses' knowledge retention following electronic continuous education and educational booklet: a controlled trial study. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2016.
•    Soleimani MA, Negarandeh R, Bastani F, Greysen R. Disrupted social connectedness in people with Parkinson's disease. British Journal of Community Nursing. 2014.



Contact Us

Address: Nursing and Midwifery care Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Dr Mirkhani St, Tohid Sq, Tehran, Iran

Tel: +(9821)   6154578



Fax: +(9821) 66421685



Last Update At : 09 February 2020