Breast Disease Research Center

Brief Overview
With the suppolt of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences officials, foundation of the "Breast Disease Research Center" was approved by the Minist1Y of Health and Medical Education on April 21, 2017. The center was officially launched in October 2017. Now, BDRC is located in Cancer Institute of Iran, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran, Iran.


     Message from Dean
Diseases of the breast are one of the most common complains of women, and breast cancer is the most frequent female malignancy in Iran, and worldwide. This is why we decided to found a research center in the healt of our Cancer Institute in Tehran research toward detection of causes, key methods of prevention, and best treatment of breast diseases. We will, by the assistance of devoted and eager researchers in Iran and abroad and in common with scholars all around the globe, strive to reach our ultimate goal, which is eradication of breast cancer.


Implementation of the basic, applied and intewentional research on breast diseases in order to produce science, promote quality of life, increase the satisfaction and development of suppoltive programs in patients with breast cancer, expand scientific cooperation at the national and intemational levels, train specialist personnel, improve national culture for prevention, diagnosis, and early treatment of Breast Diseases and Improving Decision Making and Policy-Based Research on Breast Diseases in order to achieve scientific authority.


Our vision of the Breast Disease Research Center is to be a dynamic and creative research center through providing applied and fundamental research and participation in the development of global knowledge on breast diseases, especially breast cancer, in the health system of the country.


Research Fields and Interests:
Breast Diseases, Breast cancer

International Collaborations:
Gennany, Netherland, USA


     Faculty Members of BDRC
  • Dr. Ramesh Omranipour,

  • Dr. Sadaf Alipour,

  • Dr. Ahmad kaviani,

  • Dr. Kazem Zendehdel,

  • Dr. AshrafMoini,

http: Moini

  • Dr. Alireza Abdollahi,

  • Dr. Alimohammad Alizadeh; RqoAAAAJ

  • Dr. Masoomeh Giti,'?hl=en&useFlsAj4JMAAAAJ

  • Dr. Bita Eslami.'?hl=en&useFPvJ-siQAAAAJ



Selected Publications 
l. A Randomized, Controlled, Phase Il Clinical Trial of 13-D-Mannuronic Acid in Presurgical Breast Cancer Patients at Early stage (Tl-T2). Clinical and Experimental Phannacology and Physiology. Clin Exp Phannacol Physiol 2019; 46(6):527-32.
2. Idiopathic granolomatouse mastitis: Looking for the most effective therapy with the least side effects according to the severity of the disease in 374 patients in Iran. Breast J 2019.
3. A case-control study of Breast Cancer in noltheast of Iran: The Golestan Coh01t study. Arch Iran Med 
4. Plasma miR-21, miR-155, miR-10b, and Let-7a as the potential biomarkers for the monitoring of breast cancer patients. Sci Rep 2018;8:17981.
5. Application ofE75 peptide vaccine in breast cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Phannacol 2018;831:87-93.
6.The toxicity and therapeutic effects of single-and multi-wall carbon nanotubes on mice breast cancer. Sci Rep 2081;8:8375.


Last Update At : 09 February 2020