Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute



Brief Overview
  • Conducting research projects in related fields (asthma, allergy and immunology) and obviously publishing the results in the prestigious national and international journals.
  • Publishing an International Bimonthly Scientific-Research Journal in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (
  • Signing Memorandum of Understandings with some universities and research centers throughout the world (see the list) for enhancing the knowledge exchange, training the researchers and conducting the joint projects.
  • Collaboration with other scientific institutes and universities in Iran for making the joint projects and guiding/performing the M.Sc or PhD or postdoctoral theses.
  • Having enough capacity and facilities for admitting international PhD students, 3-12 months courses in basic and clinical immunology and post-doctoral fellowships.
  • Regularly organizing congresses, seminars, workshops, educational and research courses for students, researchers, specialists, patients and their families



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Message from Dean

The great advances made in basic and clinical immunology in the recent decades and the remarkable rise in the number of patients with asthma, allergy and primary immunodeficiency disorders necessitated the establishment of a research center in Iran to encourage and disseminate clinical and basic researches in these fields. Immunology, Asthma & Allergy Research Institute (IAARI) affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) officially began its scientific activities on January 31st 2001.
This institute by improving the knowledge and technology tries to promote the health indices of the society in the diseases of the immune system, asthma and allergy, based on its strategic plan.
UNESCO Chair in Health Education has also been established in this institute since 2004 that is the best link for international collaborations in projects of research and education.
Currently, 6 faculty members and 22 researchers are working in this institute. Some academics from different medical universities also work closely and actively with this institute.


   Mission & Vision
  • Production of knowledge and technology in order to maintain and improve the health of the society in immune-mediated diseases and asthma and allergy


  • Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute, by producing the appropfiate knowledge and technology, tries to improve the health indices of the society in diseases of immune system, asthma and allergy. In this regard, this institute is seeking to be the referral research center in the above-mentioned diseases at the national level.






Research Fields and Interests
1-    Primary Immunodeficiency disorders,
2-    Asthma,
3-    Immunogenetics,
4-    Allergy:(Food Allergy, Drug Allergy, Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic Pneumonitis Atopic Dermatitis, Aeroallergy,Urticaria & Angioedema, Anaphylaxis)



International Collaborations

UNESCO Chair in Health Education, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology of Department of Medicine, Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg,Germany,  The Division of Clinical Immunology at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institute at Karolinska  Hudding, Sweden, Division of Medical Inflammation Research ,Karolinska Institute,Sweden, IRCCS,Rome,ltaly,lnstitute of Pathophysiology Semmelwels university-Faculty of Medicine and Seroscience LTD BudapestHungary,lmperial College London, Utrecht university, Netherland, Research Institute of Interventional Allergology and Immunology, Bonn/Cologne,Klinnikum der University Munchen, Germany (KUM), Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases Laboratory: Necker Medical School, University Paris Descartes, Paris, France ,lmmuno Deficiency Center Leipzig (IDCL), St. Georg hospital, Leipzig, Germany,Luxembourg Institute of Health, France,Jeffery Modell Foundation, Centri Associati di Allergologia Molecoare (CAAM) Rome, Italy European Network of the Severe Chronic Neutropenia International Registry (SCNlR),Department of Immunology & Histocompatibility, School of Medicine Sciences,Larissa, Greece,Sistermas Genomicos SL: Valenvia Spain ,lDF:(lmmue Deficiency Foundation),Word PI Week,Charite: Germany,National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), International Transplant Center Participation Criteria, University of CAPE TOWN, South Africa



Research Courses in Basic and Clinical Immunology

Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute (IAARI) announces short-term and long-term courses in clinical immunology. Researchers will receive certificates from IAARI after completion of the course. Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute is a referral center for immunologic and allergic diseases. Data banks of patients can represent a great opportunity for interested persons to elaborate their knowledge on these important fields. Interested applicants can work on asthma, allergies or immunodeficiency diseases based on their educational background, interest and ofthe center. The supervising team includes professors with expertise in clinical and basic immunology offering close personal supervision and a wealth of experience to the applicants. Laboratory and experimental facilities are also available for them.

1.Three to Six Months Research Course (Short Course)
Program Description:
Title: Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Duration: 3-6 months
Start time: On agreement of the parties

Clinical and Research Benefits:
1.    Participation in Basic and Clinical Immunology as well as Research Methodology courses
2.    Writing a project proposal in collaboration with a supervisor.
3.    Performing the research project in a limited time (2-4 months)
4.    Analysis of data
5.    Preparing an early draft of manuscript related to the project (if applicable)

2.Six to Twelve Months Research Course (Long Course)
The course is flexible and customizable to the needs of applicants and priorities of the research institute and the programs will empower all interested applicants for a career in allergy and clinical immunology.
The applicants can gain experience in adult and pediatric allergy and clinical immunology in a referral university center located in capital of Iran, Tehran.

Program Description:
Title: Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Duration: 6-12 months
Start time: On agreement of the parties

Clinical and Research Benefits:
1.    Participation in Basic and Clinical Immunology courses
2.    Training in clinical, research and laboratory techniques
3.    Leaming about research methods and Medical Journalism and how to publish papers
4.    Writing a project proposal in collaboration with a supervisor.
5.    Working on a limited individual research project during the study
6.    Leaming about analysis of data
7.    Preparing an early draft of manuscript related to the project (if applicable)

The first month will help the learners with a broad knowledge in the field including basic and clinical sciences, followed by 1 month of laboratory training and 4-10 months of research activities in narrow fields with more in-depth knowledge about a specific subject. Applicants should attend seminars and journal clubs and are encouraged to present their results in local, national, regional and international meetings and publish their data.

Academic Requirements:
For both courses, the applicants can be students or graduated in medical fields with an interest on allergy and clinical immunology. Medical Doctors, pediatricians, internists and infectious diseases specialists, also graduates with PhD or MSc in related fields can apply for the programs.

The office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and Intemational Affairs at Tehran University of Medical Sciences accredits these courses and upon accomplishing all goals and finishing the course, a certificate will be issued by IAARI.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates. The selection is based on the CV of the applicants, their recommendation letters and their letter of intent considering their previous field of study.

How to apply:
The applications can be sent all through the year and the start of the program will be on certain times with some flexibility regarding the exact starting date. The language of instruction for this course can be either English or Persian.
The applicants are requested to download the TUMS online application form to apply for this position and send the completed form along with the following documents to the IAARI's email address ( Accepted applications will be sent to the international affairs of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
1.    Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2.    A letter of intent explaining the reasons they have chosen this field and their field of interest.
3.    Recommendation letters
4.    Their preference for the language of the course

Admission Fees
For both courses: 300$ per month
How to Contact Us
Immunology Asthma and Allergy Research Institute, 4th Floor, Building #3, Children Medical Center, Gharib st, Keshavarz Blvd, Tehran, Iran, Tel: 0098 21 66935855

Head of International Department:
Dr Maryam Nourizadeh; Email:

New Route PhD program
The purpose of the Ph.D. program will be to train international students who, while having dominance in a specific field and using relevant sciences, can take a step forward regarding the advancement and expansion of the borders of human knowledge by gaining different abilities and using advanced research methods and novel research fundamentals.
To find out the related professors from IAARI, please go to the intemational website




Faculty Members

  • Dr Mostafa.Moein, Full Professor
  • Dr Zahra Pourpak, Full Professor
  • Dr. Mohammad Reza Fazlollahi, Associated Professor
  • Dr. Arefeh Jafarian, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Maryam Nourizadeh, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Shiva Saghafi, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Gholamali Kardar, Associated Professor


Selected Publications 

1- Molecular, Immunological, and Clinical Features of 16 Iranian Patients with Mendelian Susceptibility to Mycobacterial Disease,Authors: Sarrafzadeh SA , Nourizadeh M,  Mahloojirad M , Fazlollahi MR , Shokouhi Shoormasti R , Badalzadeh M , Deswarte C , Casanova JL, Pourpak Z , Bustamante J , Moin M,J Clin Immunol, Year. 2019,

2- Wheat Anaphylaxis due to Skin Contact in an Exclusively Breastfed 2.5-Month-Old Infant. Authors: Sadli H , Fazlollahi MR , Shokouhi Shoormasti R , Pourpak Z , J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol, vol.29, No.l, Year. 2019 Feb, Page:62-64,

3- Delayed Diagnosis of Hereditary Angioedema with C1-inhibitor Deficiency in Iranian
Children and Adolescents,Authors: Ayazi M , Fazlollahi MR , Mohammadzadeh I , Fayezi A  Nabavi M , Mahdaviani SA , Movahedi M , Heidarzadeh M , Saghafi S , Mohammadian S , Farkas H, Poupak Z . Pediatr Allergy Immunol, Year. 2019,

4- Paediatric asthma prevalence: The first national population-based survey in Iran By: Fazlollahi Mohammad Reza; Najmi. Mehdi; Fallahnezhad. Mojtaba; et al.

CLINICAL RESPIRATORY JOURNAL Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Pages: 14-22 Published: JAN 2019

5-Newborn screening using TREC/KREC assay for severe T and B cell lymphopenia in Iran, By:Nourizadeh, M ; Shakerian, L; Borte, S; Fazlollahi, M; Badalzadeh, M; Houshmand, M ; Alizadeh, Z  Dalili, H ; Rashidi-Nezhad, A ; Kazemnejad, A ; Moin,M ; Hammarstrom,L ; Pourpak, Z SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY , Volume: 88 Issue: 2 Alticle Number: UNSP e12699 DOI: 10.1111/sji.12699 Published:AUG 2018

6- Clinical, Laboratory, and Molecular Findings for 63 Patients With Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: A Decade's Experience, Fazlollahi, MR; Pourpak, Z; Hamidieh, AA; Movahedi, M; Houshmand, M; Badalzadeh, M; Nourizadeh, M; Mahloujirad, M; Arshi, S; Nabavi, M JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIONAL ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY Volune: 27 Issue: 5 Pages: 299-304 DOI: 10.18176/jiaci.0147 Published:2017


Last Update At : 02 September 2019