Funding and Sponsorship

The office of Vice Dean for Research Affairs is posting some of the most recent international grants/scholarships.


Dear TUMS academics/young researchers,

Scholarships and grants are types of gift aid that do not have to be repaid. Universities, research centers, and organizations which offer these aids usually takes into account both financial need and academic merit of the applicants. There may be other requirements and criteria that an applicant should be aware of when applying for a grant or scholarship.

These financial aids are mainly classified as:

  • Merit-based: These awards are awarded to recognize a student's academic, artistic, athletic achievement/leadership or other abilities. Scholarships are often merit-based.
  • Need-based:  A need-based grant is basically a financial aid program that is designed to help students in need of financial assistance. This grant is only awarded to students who demonstrate poor financial health and are unable to pay for college or university. Grants tend to be need-based. 
  • Student-specific: In this type, applicants' gender, race, religion, family, and medical history, or many other student-specific factors are taken into consideration. Minority scholarships are the most common awards in this category. 
  • Career-specific: This category of scholarships award is to college or university students who plan to pursue a specific field of study tailored to their country/community development. Areas such as Medical related profession, Engineering of where the student intends to work in a high-need community after graduation. These scholarships have a “bond” requirement that all recipients would be required to work for community/government for a specified period of time or to work in rural or remote areas; otherwise, they would be required to repay the value of the support they received from the scholarship. 
  • University-specific: This type is offered by individual universities or colleges to highly qualified applicants. These scholarships are given on the basis of academic and personal achievement. 
  • AthleticThis award is offered to students with exceptional skill in a sport. Often this is so that the student will be available to attend the school or college and play the sport on their team.
  • Brand Scholarships: These scholarships are sponsored by a brand that is trying to gain attention for their brand or a cause. 
  • Creative Contest Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded to students for a creative effort or approach. They are also called mini project based scholarships.


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Last Update At : 17 July 2023