Our History

Iran is a suitable candidate for strengthening higher education in the MENA region in the field of Global Health. For this purpose, in 2013 the school of Public Health at Tehran University of Medical Sciences established the Department of Global Health and Public Policy with the aim of expanding educational and research activities in field of public health and in line with global standards. In 2024, Center of Excellence for Global Health (CEGH) was founded to advance international collaborations and educate students and researchers from all over the region. 

In May 2018, when the US pulled away unilaterally from the nuclear agreement with Iran and again started this political sanction, the country went back to the time that continuing relationships became difficult. How did Krumeich and Takian, whose departments are in the lead of the project, and the other partners manage to set up and maintain this collaboration? Krumeich: “The collaboration started already years ago when the situation of Iran was better and because we already had this very strong bond, we managed to go on. Also, I have to mention the president and rector of Maastricht University, who in spite of all kinds of political and economic pressures decided to go for signing the contract in spite of current geopolitical trends. We kept believing that in times where the formal channels are kind of abandoned for collaboration it is very important to keep open the more informal channels. This kind of collaboration keeps the world going behind the scenes in times when it is very difficult.”  Takian: “I appreciate the wisdom and support of the top leadership at UM, TUMS and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran, to be named among a few. We got support from many sides.” Both Krumeich and Takian acknowledge In particular the fundamental role of Dr. Remco Van de Pas from UM and Prof. Reza Majdzadeh from TUMS, without whose enthusiasm and commitment this collaboration was impossible.