Interprofessional Collaboration in the Covid-19 Era: Pros and Cons


Corona's pandemic, despite the many problems has created, caused to reveal the importance and difficulties of interdisciplinary teamwork across the world. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) refers to the occasions which multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families and etc. In this regard WHO has recommended IPC strategies for controlling different aspects of COVID-19. Therefore, the educational system of different countries (Developed and Developing) during pandemic should be concerned about effective educational methods to improve teamwork capabilities among health care providers. The pandemic illuminates the need for a worldwide collaboration. In this regard, we aimed to share different countries experiences about applying IPE/IPC approach in Medical Education in this period of time and also its’ challenges and opportunities.

The webinar will be held by EDC of TUMS in cooperation with: IPC Café, Soder Hospital in Sweden and University Health Network in Canada.


  1. Introduction about IPC and its’ different domains with emphasizes on conflict management and the Iranian current situation
  2. Short history of CANMED effort to develop IPE/ IPC domain
  3. IPE/ IPC and its’ challenges and opportunities around the world. How to move from threats to opportunities
  4.  IPC/IPE current situation and importance in different context that will support IPC implementation based on the WHO recommendations

Dr. Sari Ponzer

Head of Department of Emergency, Head of Research, Education, Development and Innovation, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Soder Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dr. Denyse Richardson

Physiatrist, Brain & Spinal Cord Program, UHN Clinician Educator, Royal College Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Associate Professor, Clinician Educator, Dept. of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada

Dr. Rene Ballnus

Head, Centre for Clinical Interpofessional Learning and Collaboration (C-IPLS), Soder Hospital, Sweden

Dr. Mandana Shirazi

Professor, Department of Medical Education, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Affiliated Professor of Clinical Science & Education Department, Söder Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dr. Malin Horngen

Söder Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dr. Maryam Karbasi Motlagh

MedEd PhD, Vice-chancellor of Student Development and Engagement in Medical Education Unit, Education Development Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran



Opening sessionDr. Sari Ponzer5min
  • Defining IPE/IPC concepts and domains
  • Current situation of IPC in Iran cons and pros
Dr. Mandana Shirazi20 min
  • Collaborative Care: IPE/IPC Groundwork to Live in Action
  • Brief history of CanMEDS Collaborator role Examples of IPE/C case report in real life in Ontario 
Dr. Denyse Richardson20 min
  • Interprofessional Learning and Collaboration in clinical practice and faculty development
  • Current experiences of IPE/IPC from Stockholm
Dr. Rene Ballnus and Dr. Malin Horngen20 min
Questions & AnswersAll Presenters30 min
Wrap up!Dr. Sari Ponzer15 min

Webinar Video

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TUMS Webinars