
TopicTime (IrST)Time (GMT)

Welcome Message and Introduction

Reihaneh Hosseini

15:30 - 15:4012:00 - 12:10

Extra Peritoneal Lymphadenectomy

Denis Querleu

15:40 - 16:0012:10 - 12:30
Q&A16:00 - 16:1012:30 - 12:40


Christhardt Köhler

16:10 - 16:3012:40 - 13:00
Q&A16:00 - 16:1012:30 - 12:40

Laparascopic Radical Hysterectomy NO look NO Touch

Masoud Azodi

16:40 - 17:0013:10 - 13:30
Q&A16:00 - 16:1012:30 - 12:40

Laparascopy in Ovarian Cancer

Shailesh Puntambekar

17:10 - 17:3013:40 - 14:00
Q&A16:00 - 16:1012:30 - 12:40

Laparasopy in Cancer Recurrence

Hooman Soleymani Majd

17:40 - 18:0014:10 - 14:30
Showing 1-10 of 15 items.