The process of student attendance to follow up Educational, Research and Graduation iss
The process of student attendance to follow up on Educational, Research, and Graduation issues:
1- See Ms. Behzadpour and set the time with her according to your request (Educational, Score, Research, Graduation)
The process of student attendance to follow up on Educational, Research, and Graduation issues:
1- See Ms. Behzadpour and set the time with her according to your request (Educational, Score, Research, Graduation)
we request you to refrain from walking in the corridors, standing next to the rooms, and entering without permission. We are prohibited from accepting students without Mrs. Behzadpour's permission.
It is necessary to know that we do our best to carry out educational and research issues in the best way as soon as possible. Therefore, please do not confuse and exhaust us with repeated and strange requests.
It is emphasized once again that requests sent on WhatsApp will not be considered.