Group introduction

“Commercialization Group Introduction”


In recent years, the relationship between university and industry has become an important topic. The human resources, research and laboratory capabilities of universities can play an important role in creating a knowledge-based economy as well as a localized Technology base at TUMS.

The commercialization Activities are centered around an entrepreneurship and culture. 

The commercialization group activities are carried out in 4 sub-branches:

1) technological empowerment activities:

1.1) Developing Knowledge of technology and commercialization (based needs assessment training) through workshops, seminars, …

1.2) Promoting a "Technology-is-culture" way of thinking through conferences, specialized panels; exhibitions and producing written content (pamphlets, posters and banners, …) 

​​2) Practical support, which are mainly financial such as interest-free loans, projects grants, and specialized counselling sessions:

2.1) Identify technologists and provide consulting services to complement or develop business models (BP (and transform Laboratory prototype into production.

2.2) Evaluate the report to the Technology Committee to decide on the applicants' provided technological facilities, according to the project.

3)Providing expert consulting services. 

Market research programs are designed to assess the industry needs and the current actual and potential capabilities of the university.  It will make a proper link between the university's technological capabilities and industry needs.

4)The Industrial Postdoctoral Program at TUMS was launched to train specialized and productive human resources in the field of health technology