Introducing members

"Introducing members"


Members of Industry Relations Council

Dr. Biglari, Honorable President of the Pasteur Institute

Dr. Karimi, Honorable President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Dr. Dinarvand, Honorable Chairman of the Strategic Council of Science and Technology Park University

Dr. Biglar, Honorable Vice President of Management Development And University Resource Planning

Dr. Sohrabpour, Honorary Vice-President of University Education

Dr. Sharifzadeh, Honorable Chairman School of Pharmacy

Dr. Sarkar Honorable Faculty Member of TUMS

Dr. Delavari, Honorary Vice-President of University Health

Dr. Haji Mahmoudi Honorary Vice-President of University Food and Drug

Dr. Nafisi,Honorable Chairman School of medical

Dr. Kebraiezadeh, Honorable Professor of the University

Dr. Ahmadian,Honorable Chairman School of Advanced technologies in medicine 

Dr. Sahrahian, Honorable Vice President of Research and Technology

Dr.monazzam. Honorable maneger of  Health Technology Development and Industrial Relationshio Office

Dr. Sari, Honorable Chairman  School of Health

Dr. Rezaei, Honorary Vice-President of University Therapy