Regulation for Technological Projects Grant






"Regulation for Technological Projects Grant"


The implementation of product - oriented technological projects in universities plays an important role in the development of a knowledge-based economy. This regulation has been written and emended with the intention of giving grants to product-oriented technological projects and to support those projects at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Using the scientific and technological capabilities of faculty members and students and the capacities of graduates to carry out applied technological research is the basis of this regulation.

Article 1- Purpose:        

•           Support for the production, development and transfer of knowledge

•           Support for the creation of community-based knowledge and technologies in the health system, through increasing interaction and uniformity between the university and the industry

•           Taking advantage of the academic ability of the university technologists to transform knowledge into wealth by:

-Helping develop knowledge - based technologies to benefit.

-Increasing the scientific and technical capabilities of university's technologists and benefiting from the experiences and the skills of the country's industry sector (public and private sectors) by strengthening the interactions between industry and university.

-Training capable graduates (in the technology sector) in commercialization of knowledge-based products.

-Encouraging and supporting the product - oriented technological projects which are common between the university and the industry according to the needs of the country's health system.

Article 2- Definitions:

2-1 Technological Project

It is a project which, by using organized knowledge and skills, leads to the design, production and development of a product in order to meet a need or solve a problem in the health sector and improve the quality of life. Also, it can be done through the following detailed features:

•           Collaboration and partnership between the industry and the university in implementing the project

•           Obtaining national and international licenses or standards certifications or approvals.

2-2. Technological grants

It is a credit based on the criteria and specified indicators which is set within the framework credits in connection with the implementation of technology projects are disbursed according to the financial regulations of the university.

Note 1) Grant of the technology project can be introduced as a cash payment or providing equipment and facilities, physical space, basic materials in need and also purchasing services to carry out a technology project. These items will be considered in according to decision of the Technology Committee at TUMS.

2-3 Project applicant

Refers to personnel of Tehran University of Medical Sciences who are directly responsible for the implementation and promotion of the activities of the project.

Article 3 - The foundations of giving the technology projects grant

3-1 These projects should lead to the production of applied technology or to the advancement of the level of technology at the national level.

3-2. Product - oriented dissertation projects will be prioritized to get technology grant if they have the necessary conditions of technological projects.

۳-۳  Giving the technology grants will be subject to the approval of the University's Technology Committee and official announcement by the vice chancellor for research and technology at TUMS to the project applicant.

۳-۴ - Technological projects that are implemented with contributions from outside the university will be prioritized.

Note 2) According to the approval of Technology Committee, the percentage of the contribution of the non-academic sector can also be equated by placing equipment and facilities, raw materials, human capital, etc.

3-5 Projects that benefit from technology grants are governed by the university rules in the field of intellectual property rights. Depending on the case, the university can be a creator, partner, owner or operator of intellectual property rights. In all intellectual property rights arrangements, it is necessary to determine the legal status of the university.

Article 4 –  Obligations of the applicant:

4-1The Project applicantis obliged to regularly submit a progress report to the technology development management during the implementation of the project.

4-2 If the Project applicant wanted to increase the project execution time or was unable to carry out the project, he shall immediately report it to the Technology Development Management. The University Technology Committee decides on extending the time of the implementation or appointing an alternative Project applicant.

4-3 The Project applicant is obliged to submit the following detailed reports and documentation for the final settlement:

A.        Progress reports to the technology development management.

B.         The final report and documentation related to the purpose of the project which will include at least one of the details below:

1-         A valid international patent certificate, including a patent application, and the filing of the patent registration number resulting from the technological projects.

Note 3) It is necessary to have a patent registration number for the last payment.

2-         Product prototype manufacturing certificate with commercial capability

Note 4) The prototype is a model which is made for testing or evaluating product, concept or process. The prototype displays the features that are most representative of the shape, size, performance and efficiency of the final product.

 Note 5) If the technological project produces raw materials, the CTD must be delivered to the food and medicine organization.

Note 6) In other cases, it is necessary to provide certificates and relevant approvals along with the product supervisor’s approval.

3-         The technical knowledge sale or the industrial production certificate as well as transactional documents.

4-         The Certificate of manufacture and the utilization of the product.

5-         A Provision of evidence of having international awards and medals (Khwarizmi Awards, Avicenna) related to the technological project.

6-         Obtain a Knowledge-based license for the desired product.

Note 7) For each project, an observer will be selected with the recommendation and approval of the University Technology Committee. The task of monitoring the implementation and advancement of projects, evaluating technical reports and submitting reports to the University's Technology Development Management will be done by a project observer.

Note 8) Approval of the documentation and final report of the project is to be done by separate monitors (product observers)

Article 5- The cost of technological grant:

The Project applicant can assign the allocated credit to all related items in order to execute the technology project. For example: purchasing laboratory equipment (properties), consumables (non-properties), software and hardware, service purchase, rental, consulting, cost analysis and calibration, technical and special certificates related to the technical projects, ...

Note 9) Non-consumer items purchased from technological grant will be considered as a TUMS property.

Article 6 - Allocation of credit and accounting documents

6-1 If the University's Technology Committee approve technological grant then the relevant contract with the Project applicant is carried out. Also financial credit of technological grant will be provided from the University's technology budget.

Note 10) Giving technology grants to product - oriented technological projects and product - oriented dissertation projects don’t have any contradictions to their research credit.

The cost of the project will be paid to the Project applicant proportional to the progress of the project, the type of the project, the outside resources of the university and the rates to be determined.

Article 7- Criteria for the assessment of technological projects

Indicators, criteria and rating levels for evaluating technological projects for granting will be as given by the table below:


Scoring criterion

Maximum points

Earned score

International patent

External patentability resulting from technological design



Total points earned


Developing technical knowledge

Ability to sell technical knowledge domestically



Ability to sell technical knowledge abroad


Technological innovations with a product production approach needed for the health market


Technological partnership with  Knowledge Based Companies or located in the Science and Technology Park


The novelty of the design and the lack of similar foreign technology examples


Total points earned

Marketing product based on technical knowledge of health

Practical plan of product prototype manufacturing



Feasibility and product marketing plan


The economic value of technology


Providing all or part of the health technology market needs


Identifying and determining the user and investor for commercializing the project


Professional experience and experience in technology and commercialization


Ability to export goods


Investment attraction capability


Total points earned: 100


Total points (total score of three indices)




Article 8. How to calculate the final score of technological projects

 The method of calculating the score of the main indicators of technological projects shall be as in the following items.

The technological project will be recognized eligible for the technology grant if it achieves at least 60% of the total score of the technology indicator table.

Based on the scores obtained from the above criteria table and the scoring indicators, the evaluated projects will be classified into two levels as follows:

1 (If a score of above 80 is attained first level projects will be recognized.

2) If a score of 60 to 80 is attained, second level designs you will be recognized.

The grants will be determined by the score level, the degree of involvement with the industry, the type and specificity of the project along with the technical and expert points of view discussed at the Technology Committee meeting.

This regulation adopted in 8 articles and 10 notes on ........  by the University Industry Cooperation Council and the provisions contained therein are applicable from the approval date.