Introducing Members -Technology Committee

"Members of Technology Committee"


Members of Technology Committee

Dr. Sahrahian, Honorable Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology

Dr. Dinarvand, Honorable Chairman of the Strategic Council of Science and Technology Park University

Dr.Monazzam. Honorable Maneger of  Health Technology Development and Industrial Relationshio Office

Dr. Sharifzadeh, Honorable Chairman School of Pharmacy

Dr. Pasalar, Honorable President of the Talent Incubator Center

Dr. Ahmadian,Honorable Chairman School of Advanced technologies in medicine 

Dr. Rahimnia, Honorable Director of University Financial Planning

Dr. DorKosh, Honorable Director of the Patent and Innovation Office

Dr. Sarkar, Honorable President of the University Medical Devices Incubator Center

Dr. Khoi, Honorable President of the University Pharmaceutical Products Incubator Center

Dr. Rezaizadeh, Honorable President of the Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Incubator Center

Dr.masaeli , Honorable President of Dental Materials and Equipment Incubator Center

Dr. Abdollahi Asl, Honorable President of University Health Technology Incubator Center

Dr. Arab Ali Beyk, Honorable President of University Health Information Technology Incubator Center

Dr. Salmani, Honorable Managing Director of the Medical Equipment Research and Technology Fund

Dr.Ay ,Dear CEO of Parto Negar Persia Co.

Dr. Fazeli, Director of Research and Development of the Zist Daro Danesh Company

Mr. Hosseini, Honorable Director of University Legal Affairs