industrial sabbatical leaves applications





Deputy of Research and Technology

Health Technology Development & Industrial Relationship Management

Guidelines on

industrial sabbatical leaves applications

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

December 2018



The purpose of this program is to develop scientific and research collaborations between universities, researcher and industrial units. Also other advantages of this program are: creating an opportunity for faculty members to be familiarized with the research and industrial field and to use it, in hopes of establishing an exchange of information.

In this guideline, the purpose of the sabbatical leaves at industrial centers is to guide academic research according to the needs of the industry and society.

In fact, it is an opportunity for applicants to increase their real abilities in research activities through research and development in an industry center. This is to get familiar with the real needs of the industry related to their work's specialty and field.

Article 1 - Definitions

Long Term Industrial Sabbatical Leaves:

A fixed-term mission is continuous or discrete for between three and twelve months. During the program, faculty members will be qualified to develop and enhance their research capabilities

Short Term Industrial Sabbatical Leaves:

A mission for applicant faculty Members to act as participants in research units and in industries for less than three months to help solve priority scientific and professional problems. This requires an approval from the university.

Note 1: The host unit approval must be obtained at each industrial sabbatical leave period

The Host Unit: The research institute or group of industries, services, and businesses appropriate to the applicant's expertise field that are prepared to accept faculty member as a sabbatical leave. In this guideline, the industry has the rather broad meaning of the productive, service and economic units of society.

Article 2 - Conditions for sabbatical leaves

Sabbatical leaves are considered special privilege for faculty members based on the required points of effective and useful scientific activities.

Eligible applicants:

- Outstanding full time professors, assistant professors and associate professor teaching or conducting research at TUMS.

- Minimum contractual employment status

- Having general and ethical competence

2-2 Prerequisites

- Presenting an idea / research project or specific program according to the priority of the country's science and technology sector.

- The field and specialty of the faculty member being relevant to the needs of industry

- Announcing readiness and obtaining the consent of the host unit

- Providing the minimum provision and facilities needed for faculty members by the host unit

- Confirming host unit eligibility by the University Industry Executive Committee

- Having the approval of the University Industry Executive Committee

Article 3 - Commitments of faculty members to the university

The sabbatical leave applicant pledges to submit a copy of the research progress report (every 3 month) and final report through its unit to the supervisor or Executive Committee.

- If the sabbatical leave is terminated or semi-complicated, the applicant is obliged to report the reasons for the cancellation to the University Industry Executive Committee. If the reasons given are not approved by the Executive Committee, he or she will be deprived of the privileges of internal sabbatical leaves.

Article 4 - Duties of the Executive Committee of on industrial sabbatical leaves

- Following up approvals related to the sabbatical leaves' plan or idea

- Determining how the applicant and host unit will be evaluated

- Designating a project supervisor (if necessary)

- Reviewing and approving progress and final reports of sabbatical leaves.

- Documenting experiences gained through sabbatical leaves by:

a)         Supervision how activities have been conducted

b)         Deciding to reuse the sabbatical leaves

Article 5 - Procedures for implementing an industrial sabbatical leaves period

- All applications for hosting an industrial sabbatical leave should be referred to the University Executive Committee.

- The applicant should apply for a sabbatical leave along with scientific and research background, the consent of the host unit and approval of the Head of Department to the Head of School / Center

- The head of the school/ center checks and approves the applicant's proposal, then proposes the document with the confirmation to the Executive Committee at TUMS.

- The Executive Committee reviews the applicant's proposal at its first meeting and notify the results for the sabbatical leaves applicants

- The Industry Executive Committee evaluate the competence of the host unit and announce the results of evaluation to the host applicants within two months.

- The approved subject for the administrative and issuance process will be submitted to the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs at TUMS by the Vice-Chancellor for research.

This guideline adopted in 5 articles on 2018 - 12- 11 by the 72th meeting of The Industry Relations Executive Committee and the provisions contained therein are applicable from since the approval date.